
Showing posts with the label State of the Blog

Traditional Latin Mass in Maryland...Quo vadis? (The state of the TLM locally)

This blog was begun on December 8th, 2007 and dedicated to Our Blessed Mother on the Feast of her Immaculate Conception. As of that date, the only TLM known to me was the Traditional Latin Mass celebrated weekly at Saint Alphonsus Church in Baltimore, MD. I had a personal link to the Summary of Masses catalogued by the marvelous Ecclesia Dei Coalition, but there were no links to these Masses on the nascent blog. Over the past year, many new and exciting things have occurred by God's Grace. I began to receive emails from friends of TLM-MD who apprised me of new and fascinating developments. For example, a TLM was scheduled for St. Bartholomew's Church in Manchester, MD and I publicized that ( more Masses at Saint Bartholomew's are scheduled in the future ). A dear friend in WV has kept me up-to-date on the situation at Saint James the Greater Church in Charles Town, WV. Over the Christmas season this year, TLM Masses were celebrated at both Saint James Church ...