
Showing posts with the label Steven Greydanus

Morning Edition - Feria After the Ascension - Missa 'Viri Galilaei' or St. Boniface, Martyr - May 14th, 2010

ADW Blog >> Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There ! A Trail of Flowers >> Arrival Catholic Hour >> Catechizing for Conversion Charlotte was Both >> Live from Long Island... (the incomparable Amy Welborn) (Sandro Magister) >> A Church Persecuted? Yes, by the Sins of Her Children Colleen Hammond >> Novena to the Holy Spirit Starts TODAY (Day One) Insight Scoop >> Greydanus on "Robin Hood": "I’m just so sick of this . (I'll skip it and rent "Master and Commander"...again) Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> S Matthias: "become with us a witness to his resurrection. ” New Liturgical Movement >> Craftsmanship and Continuity in the Liturgical Arts Ordo recitandi >> Within the Octave of the Ascension Reflections of a Paralytic >> Contraception: Morally Wrong in Every Circumstance SECRET HARBOUR >> Aflame with Divine Love The Catholic Thing >> T...

Decent Films Guide by Steven D. Greydanus - "G-Force," "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" & "Public Enemies" (all 2009)

I haven't featured reviews by Steven D. Greydanus recently so I apologize. As this is the peak of the summer movie season, I thought I'd post his reviews of some recent movies. I must admit I haven't seen any of these, but I bet your families will enjoy his take on the films. G-Force (2009) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009) Public Enemies (2009) Happy viewing!

Decent Films Guide by Steven D. Greydanus - Star Trek (2009) and Angels & Demons (Fact-Check)

Steven D. Greydanus reviews Star Trek (2009) and does a "fact-check" of Angels & Demons (really, a check on Dan Brown, of course). The review for the latter movie is yet to be released. Star Trek, based on the reports from other sources and on this review, looks to be a real winner . I followed the original series (live!) and then lost track of all the series permutations which followed. This is a movie I want to see. As for Angels & Demons, what can I say ? I've hit the anti-matter thing from CERN to bits so I'll have to wait for the review of the movie itself. Based on the fact-check, I expect the movie review to be a "masterpiece."

Decent Films Guide by Steven D. Greydanus - 2008: The Year in Reviews

Steven D. Greydanus has released his 2008 Year in Reviews at Decent Films Guide . This links to his top films for 2008. I managed to see two of the films on this Top Ten list , and hope to see some others on DVD. I personally enjoyed "Iron Man" (see Runners-up) and "Dark Knight" and appreciated his reviews.

Decent Films Guide by Steven D. Greydanus: "High Noon (1952)" - DVD

I can't presume the age of those who visit this site. So, if you check out my blogger profile and see the movie "High Noon" listed under the favorites, you may not have a clue what it is about or who starred in it. Steven D. Greydanus of Decent Films Guide reviews the 1952 epic now on DVD starring Gary Cooper, Thomas Mitchell, (a very young) Lloyd Bridges, Katy Jurado, Grace Kelly, Otto Kruger, Lon Chaney, Jr., Henry Morgan and Ian MacDonald. The movie was directed by Fred Zinnemann who also directed "A Man for All Seasons" (another of my favorites and "a movie for all people"). Needless to say, Mr. Greydanus does a splendid job analyzing this masterpiece in which an old pendulum clock plays such a pivotal role . He gives it the recognition it deserves. And, in a case of sheer serendipity, I feel the ballad opening sung by Tex Ritter is essential to the film as well. I couldn't imagine the movie without it! In the interest of fair disclo...

Decent Films Guide by Steven D. Greydanus: "The Dark Knight" (2008)

Steven D. Greydanus has posted his movie review of "The Dark Knight," the second movie in the latest "Batman" series starring Christian Bale as "Batman" . Frankly, I was expecting a rather different review. I am very pleased at this one. Read this at your discretion; there are spoilers in the description. I'm glad I checked it out, however. Hint: Steven liked it...

Jimmy The Sacred and the Profane

Steven Greydanus has a great post on the marvelous movie, "Monsieur Vincent," which is arriving soon on DVD . It is the story of St. Vincent de Paul . He contrasts this with a link to movies on the "profane"-- a story he did for Christianity Today Movies . "Monsieur Vincent" is a title on the list of the Vatican's top 15 in "Religion." Steven's post on the "profane" discusses Christian "iconography" in such movies today . It is an excellent post.

Decent Films Guide by Steven D. Greydanus: "WALL•E" (2008)

A long summer weekend will soon be upon us, and it is the Fourth of July to boot! I am posting a link to Steven D. Greydanus' review of "Wall E" which the tots will be dying to see . I think parents will be very pleased with Mr. Greydanus' comments.

Decent Films Guide by Steven D. Greydanus: "The Incredible Hulk" (2008)

Steven reviews another "superhero film" that has just opened, "The Incredible Hulk ." As always, his review is both interesting and informative. Parents will welcome his comments and his overall take on the film and his perspective. Note that Mr. Greydanus always includes his standard grades on Artistic-Entertainment, Moral-Spiritual Value and Age Appropriateness with a link to reviews from the USCCB.

Decent Films Guide by Steven D. Greydanus: "Bella" (2006)

This is one of those instances where I wanted to read Steven's review "after" seeing the film. I recently bought it on DVD as soon as it was available. It came highly recommended by several close relatives and I had missed it in the theaters. Steven's review of "Bella" is here . I find that I agree substantially with him but would have given it a "bit more" for a score. As usual, Mr. Greydanus gives not only an "artistic score" but grades it for merit, spiritual value, moral value and so on. Bella is " bella !"

Decent Films Guide by Steven D. Greydanus: "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" (2008)

This blockbuster is about to come out so I thought you'd like to have Steven Greydanus' take on the movie . His review seems to be more favorable than some I have seen. As always, his rating system is very helpful to parents.

Decent Films Guide by Steven D. Greydanus: "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" (2008)

Steven D. Greydanus posts his review of " The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian " from a review first appearing in the National Catholic Register . While the film gets a decided "thumbs up," Mr. Greydanus points out some divergence from the C.S. Lewis' book. It is worth reading this review !

Decent Films Guide by Steven D. Greydanus: "Iron Man" (2008)

Stephen D. Greydanus reviews the new film "Iron Man" starring Robert Downey, Jr . Please be sure to consult not only his total "letter" grade, but also the other parameters he lists in his ratings including: Artistic-Entertainment Value, Moral-Spiritual Value, Age Appropriateness and the External Ratings (including that of the USCCB). Sounds to be a "fun flick!" Please note that the link to Decent Films Guide is now in the "Favorite Websites and Blogrolls" in the right menu.

Decent Films Guide by Steven D. Greydanus

In my lifetime, there once was a Catholic Film Index and it was one of the "go to" sites in the weekly Catholic newspaper for parents. Films were rated and the ratings were prominently posted for all parents to see. And, the Index rating conveyed the "moral Authority" of the Church. Now, we rely mostly on the film industry to tell what the film rating is with regard to "nudity, violence, adult situations" and so on. Decent Films Guide is a nice website of Steven D. Greydanus . The films are both reviewed AND rated and this allows parents to make the total judgment call on whether a film is decent or not. It is a "bookmark site" for certain. Here is link to the review of the recent film, "Elizabeth: The Golden Age" (2007) . Note the right margin of the website. The film is rated for Overall Recommendability, Artistic Entertainment Value, Moral/Spiritual Value (going from a +4 to -4 rating), Age Appropriateness, the MPAA rat...

Jimmy An Actor for All Seasons

Lest I forget, Steven D. Greydanus posted the news that the gifted British actor, Paul Scofield, has died . Mr. Scofield had many memorable roles as this post notes, but he is best known for his depiction of Saint Thomas More, Lord Chancellor of England, under King Henry VIII . The film was an adaptation of a stage play by Robert Bolt and Mr Scofield had played the part on stage. Mr. Greydanus reviewed the film which is listed on the Vatican's best films list . One of my favorite lines of the film mentioned by several of those who commented is a part of an exchange between St. Thomas More and the Duke of Norfolk: And when we die, and you are sent to heaven for doing your conscience, and I am sent to hell for not doing mine, will you come with me, for fellowship? Please read the post, see the movie, and marvel at Scofield's craft in bringing this saint to life ...