
Showing posts with the label Triumphalism

A breath of fresh air is wafting through St Peter’s

James MacMillan has an Op-Ed piece in the The Catholic Herald (U.K.) that mentions religious blogging and Fr. Z. in particular. If you want to read Fr. Z.'s comments on the article, check out his site . I would like to post a couple of portions of MacMillan's piece that make for good points for a discussion: One particular American blogger, Fr John Zuhlsdorf, has recently hailed what he calls “the return of triumphalism”. Ever since Vatican II this has been a taboo word in the Church, but he sees it as a good thing. Is this yet more evidence that we are moving into a new, more confident era for the modern Church? That Catholics are more and more prepared to stand up for their identity and their core values? That liberal secularists and liberal Christians have failed in bullying orthodox Catholics into submission? Is it really time to become assertive about the faith in the public square? To be honest, there is nothing particularly serious, scholarly or analytical about Fr