
Showing posts with the label Video

Eleventh Hour Election Alert - Fr. John Corapi, SOLT

Fr. Corapi produced a half hour video today that all Catholics (and Americans) should see. It expounds upon what Bishop Rene H. Gracida just said boldly in a recent radio spot. (He is the Bishop that ordained Fr. Corapi a Deacon). As YouTube has a ten minute limit on posts, the entire post is divided into three segments--Parts 1, 2 and 3--of ten minutes each. The video can be found here: Eleventh Hour Election Alert !

Evening Roundup - Thursday, June 12th, 2008

The New Liturgical Movement >> Video from the first Solemn Mass at Ss. Trinita dei Pelligrini, Rome (Video of the Introit & Kyrie and Offertory by Shawn Tribe) The Recovering Choir Director >> Three recent posts on reviving Gregorian chant, juxtaposed

Latin Mass Resources-EWTN

In the blogroll to this opus, you will notice a reference to Resources for the Traditional Latin Mass on EWTN . The marvelous repository and gem of all things Catholic--EWTN-- has a link to a trove of things useful for understanding the Traditional Latin Mass. Among these are: the TLM Mass texts in PDF format (book and scrollable format) the full video (2 hours) of the Mass of December 15, 2007 the homily for this Mass in MP3 format archives to past TLM performances on EWTN a listing of Magisterial documents on the TLM The website, Sancta Missa, which is the work of the St. John Cantius Society, also has tremendous resources and that too is listed in the blogroll. For those interested in viewing a TLM Mass in Real Video format, please go to the EWTN library . It is a great resource.