
Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - February 5th, 2024 to February 11th, 2024 - Propers for Week | Quinquagesima Sunday

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons - Healing of the Blind Man by Jesus Christ FEBRUARY, 2024 - Anno Domini TEMPUS SEPTUAGESIMÆ          Monday, 5th  -   St.  Agatha,  Virgin  and  Martyr,    S.  Agathæ  Virginis et  Martyris,  Missa  'Gaudeámus  Omnes',    3rd  Class,   Red    [Gloria;  Common  Preface]  Tuesday, 6th -   St.  Titus,  Bishop  and  Confessor,    S. Titi  Episc. et Confessoris,   Missa  'Státuit  Ei  Dóminus',    3rd  Class,   White   [Gloria;   Common   Preface; Commemoration:  St.  Dorothy, Virgin  and  Martyr]    Wednesday, 7th -  St.  Romuald, Abbott,  S.  Romualdi  Abbatis,  Missa 'Os  Iusti  Meditábitur',   3rd  Class,  White   [Gloria;   Common   Preface]    Thursday,  8th  -  St.  John  of  Matha,  Confessor,    S.  Ioannis  de  Matha  Confessoris,   Missa 'Os  Iusti  Meditábitur' ,   3rd  Class,   White   [Gloria;   Common   Preface] Friday,  9th  -    St.  Cyril,  Bishop  of   Alexandria,  Doctor,   S.  Cyrilli  Episc.  Alexandrini

Sunday Roundup - Sexagesima Sunday - Missa 'Exsúrge' AND St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr - Missa 'Gaudeámus Omnes' - February 4th & 5th, 2024

†         Sexagesima  Sunday,  Dominica  in  Sexagesima,  Missa  'Exsúrge' - February 4th, 2024 - Propers †         St.  Agatha, Virgin  and  Martyr,  S.  Agathæ  Virginis et  Martyris,  Missa  'Gaudeámus  Omnes' - February 5th, 2024 - Propers      †       Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - January 29th, 2024 to February 4th, 2024 - Propers for Week | Purification of the B.V.M. | Sexagesima Sunday L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Sexagesima Sunday The Divine Lamp - Sexagesima Sunday >> Commentaries and Resources on the Mass Readings Voice of the Family (a Dominican Friar) >> The means of overcoming the devil: sermon on Sexagesima Sunday The +Ecu-Men+ >>  February 4 – Sexagesima Sunday IN LUMINE FIDEI (Rita Bogna) >> 4 FEBRUARY – SAINT ANDREW CORSINI (Bishop and Confessor) Lives of the Saints >> Saint Andrew Corsini, Bishop of Fiesole  (1302-1373) CatholicSaints.Info:  4 February Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >>

Sunday Mass Edition - Sexagesima Sunday - Dominica in Sexagesima - Missa 'Exsúrge' - February 4th, 2024

 †         Sexagesima  Sunday,  Dominica  in  Sexagesima,  Missa  'Exsúrge' - February 4th, 2024 - Propers       †       Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - January 29th, 2024 to February 4th, 2024 - Propers for Week | Purification of the B.V.M. | Sexagesima Sunday L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Sexagesima Sunday The Divine Lamp - Sexagesima Sunday >> Commentaries and Resources on the Mass Readings Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's, The Church's Year >> SEXAGESIMA SUNDAY DOM PROSPER GUÉRANGER, ABBOT OF SOLESMES  >> THE LITURGICAL YEAR: SEXAGESIMA SUNDAY Voice of the Family (a Dominican Friar) >> The means of overcoming the devil: sermon on Sexagesima Sunday The +Ecu-Men+ >>  February 4 – Sexagesima Sunday The +Ecu-Men+ >>  February 4 – St Andrew Corsini, Bishop & Confessor IN LUMINE FIDEI (Rita Bogna) >> 4 FEBRUARY – SEXAGESIMA SUNDAY IN LUMINE FIDEI (Rita Bogna) >> 4 FEBRUARY – SAINT ANDREW CORSINI (Bishop and C

Saturday Mass Edition - Saturday of Our Lady OR St. Blase, Bishop and Martyr OR Immaculate Heart of Mary - February 3rd, 2024

 †        Saturday of Our Lady,  Sanctæ  Mariæ  Sabbato,  Missa 'Salve Sancta Parens', Commemoration: St.  Blase,  Bishop and  Martyr - February 3rd, 2024 - Propers †        St.  Blase,  Bishop  and  Martyr, S.  Blasii  Episcopi et  Martyris,  Missa  'Sacerdótes  Dei' - February 3rd, 2024 - Propers †        Immaculate   Heart  of  Mary,  Immaculati  Cordis  Beatæ   Mariæ  Virginis,  Missa  'Adeámus  Cum  Fidúcia',    Commemoration: St.  Blase,  Bishop  and  Martyr - February 3rd, 2024 - Propers       †       Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - January 29th, 2024 to February 4th, 2024 - Propers for Week | Purification of the B.V.M. | Sexagesima Sunday L ITURGICAL Franciscan Media >> Saint Blaise Sacred Texts >> February 3.—ST. BLASE, Bishop and Martyr. The +Ecu-Men+ >>  February 3 – St Blase, Bishop & Martyr The +Ecu-Men+ >>  February 3 – Saturday of Septuagesima Week IN LUMINE FIDEI (Rita Bogna) >> 3 FEBRUARY

Friday Mass Edition - The Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Candlemas) - Procession and Missa 'Suscépimus Deus' - February 2nd, 2024

†        The  Purification  of the  Blessed Virgin  Mary  (Candlemas),   In   Purificatione  Beatæ  Mariæ  Virginis,   Procession  and  Missa 'Suscépimus Deus' - February 2nd, 2024 - Propers          †       Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - January 29th, 2024 to February 4th, 2024 - Propers for Week | Purification of the B.V.M. | Sexagesima Sunday L ITURGICAL Sermonry >>  Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary — Candlemas Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's - The Church's Year >> INSTRUCTION ON THE FEAST OF THE PURIFICATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, COMMONLY CALLED CANDLEMAS-DAY. [February 2.] New Liturgical Movement >> Liturgical Notes on the Purification of the Virgin Mary The +Ecu-Men+ >>  February 2 – The Purification The +Ecu-Men+ >>  February 2 – Friday of Septuagesima Week IN LUMINE FIDEI (Rita Bogna) >> 2 FEBRUARY – THE PURIFICATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY IN LUMINE FIDEI (Rita Bogna) >> 2 FEBRUARY – CANDL

Thursday Mass Edition - St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr OR Jesus Christ the High Priest - February 1st, 2024

 †        St.  Ignatius of  Antioch, Bishop and Martyr,    S.  Ignatii  Episcopi et  Martyris,  Missa 'Mihi  Autem' - February 1st, 2024 †        Jesus  Christ  the  High  Priest,  Missa  'Juravit  Dóminus' ,   Commemoration: St.  Ignatius of  Antioch, Bishop and Martyr - February 1st, 2024 - Propers           †       Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - January 29th, 2024 to February 4th, 2024 - Propers for Week | Purification of the B.V.M. | Sexagesima Sunday L ITURGICAL Sermonry >>  Saint Ignatius The +Ecu-Men+ >>  February 1 – Thursday of Septuagesima Week The +Ecu-Men+ >>  February 1 – St Ignatius, Bishop & Martyr IN LUMINE FIDEI (Rita Bogna) >> 1 FEBRUARY – SAINT IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH (Bishop and Martyr)  IN LUMINE FIDEI (Rita Bogna) >> 1 FEBRUARY – THURSDAY OF SEPTUAGESIMA WEEK  Lives of the Saints >> February 1st  Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr  († 107) CatholicSaints.Info:  1 February Boston Cath

Wednesday Mass Edition - St. John Bosco, Confessor - S. Ioannis Bosco Confessoris - Missa 'Dedit Illi Deus' - January 31st, 2024

†       St. John  Bosco, Confessor,   S.  Ioannis  Bosco  Confessoris,   Missa 'Dedit  Illi  Deus' - January 31st, 2024 - Propers           †       Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - January 29th, 2024 to February 4th, 2024 - Propers for Week | Purification of the B.V.M. | Sexagesima Sunday L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Saint John Bosco The +Ecu-Men+ >>  January 31 – Wednesday of Septuagesima Week IN LUMINE FIDEI (Rita Bogna) >>  31 JANUARY – SAINT JOHN BOSCO (Confessor) IN LUMINE FIDEI (Rita Bogna) >> 31 JANUARY – WEDNESDAY OF SEPTUAGESIMA WEEK Lives of the Saints >> January 31  Saint John Bosco, Founder  (1815-1888) CatholicSaints.Info:  31 January Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> January 31st   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY A Catholic Life (Matthew) >> Rejecting the Filioque Is A Heresy Aleteia (Fr. Peter John Cameron, OP) >> St. Thomas Aquinas for Year of Prayer 2024  Aleteia (Morgane Afif) >&

Tuesday Mass Edition - St. Martina, Virgin and Martyr - S. Martinæ Virginis et Martyris - Missa 'Loquebar De Testimoniis' - January 30th, 2024

†       St.  Martina, Virgin  and Martyr,  S.  Martinæ  Virginis et  Martyris,  Missa  'Loquebar  De  Testimoniis' - January 30th, 2024 - Propers    †       St. Francis de Sales, Bishop, Confessor and  Doctor,  S.  Francisci Salesii  Episcopi  Confessoris  Ecclesiæ  Doctoris, Missa 'In  Médio  Ecclésiæ' - January 29th, 2024 - Propers          †       Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - January 29th, 2024 to February 4th, 2024 - Propers for Week | Purification of the B.V.M. | Sexagesima Sunday L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Saint Martina The +Ecu-Men+ >>  January 30 – St Martina, Virgin & Martyr The +Ecu-Men+ >>  January 30 – Tuesday of Septuagesima Week Lives of the Saints >> January 30  Saint Martina, Martyr   († 226) CatholicSaints.Info:  30 January Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> January 30th   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY Aleteia (J.P. Mauro) >> Save this VOCES8 hymn for your Corpus Christi pla