
Tuesday Mass Edition - Tuesday of Holy Week - Feria Tertia Hebdomadæ Sanctæ - Missa 'Nos Autem Gloriári' - March 26th, 2024

†        Tuesday  of  Holy  Week,  Feria  Tertia  Hebdomadæ  Sanctæ,  Missa  'Nos  Autem  Gloriári' - March 26th, 2024 - Propers       †        Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - March 25th, 2024 to March 31st, 2024 - Propers for the  Week  |  Holy Week  |  Easter Sunday L ITURGICAL Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >>  Tuesday in Holy Week The +Ecu-Men+ >> March 26 – Tuesday in Holy Week Lives of the Saints >>  26 March  Saint Ludger,  First Bishop of Munster  († 809) CatholicSaints.Info:  26 March Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> March 26th   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY Aleteia (Alice Alech) >> “Love one another”: a brief look at Carmelite nuns in France Aleteia (Tom Hoopes) >> A week like no other: Holy Week after 2019 and 2020 Aleteia (J.P. Mauro) >> Archdiocese of Seoul sends forth missionary priests Aleteia (J.P. Mauro) >> Global religious restrictions rise, social harassment falls Americ

Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - March 25th, 2024 to March 31st, 2024 - Propers for the Week | Holy Week | Easter Sunday

Image Credit: The View from the Valley MARCH, 2024, ANNO DOMINI HEBDOMADA SANCTA  (HOLY WEEK) TEMPUS PASSIONIS         Monday,  25th  -   Monday  of  Holy  Week,  Feria  Secunda  Hebdomadæ  Sanctæ,  Missa  'Iúdica   Dómine',   1st   Class,  Violet    [Preface  of  the  Holy  Cross]   Station:   S.  Prassede all'Esquilino Tuesday,  26th -    Tuesday  of  Holy  Week,  Feria  Tertia  Hebdomadæ  Sanctæ,  Missa  'Nos  Autem  Gloriári',   1st   Class,  Violet     [Preface  of  the  Holy  Cross]   Station: Santa  Prisca  all’Aventino Wednesday,  27th -   Wednesday  of  Holy  Week  (Spy  Wednesday),  Feria  Quarta  Hebdomadæ  Sanctæ,  Missa   'In   Nómine   Iesu' ,  1st  Class,  Violet    [Preface  of  the  Holy  Cross;  Preces]   Station:  Santa  Maria  Maggiore  Thursday, 28th   -    Holy  Thursday  (Maundy  Thursday),  Feria  Quinta  in  Coena  Domini,  Missa  'Nos  Autem  Gloriári' ,  1st   Class,   White  &  Violet     [Gloria;  Preface  of the

Monday Mass Edition - Monday of Holy Week - Feria Secunda Hebdomadæ Sanctæ - Missa 'Iúdica Dómine' - March 25th, 2024

†        Monday  of  Holy  Week,  Feria  Secunda  Hebdomadæ  Sanctæ,  Missa 'Iúdica  Dómine' - March 25th, 2024 - Propers †        Sunday Mass Edition -  Palm  Sunday - Dominica  Secunda  Passionis  seu  in  Palmis - Missa  'Dómine  Ne  Longe' - March 24th, 2024  (Holy Week) †        Palm Sunday - Dominica Secunda Passionis seu in Palmis - Missa 'Dómine Ne Longe' - March 24th, 2024 (Holy Week)       †        Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - March 18th, 2024 to March 24th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | St. Joseph, Spouse of the B.V.M. |  Palm Sunday L ITURGICAL Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >> Monday in Holy Week The +Ecu-Men+ >> March 25 – Monday in Holy Week IN LUMINE FIDEI (Rita Bogna) >> 25 MARCH – MONDAY IN HOLY WEEK Lives of the Saints >>  25 March  Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Incarnation of the Word of God CatholicSaints.Info:  25 March Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> Mar

Sunday Mass Edition - Palm Sunday - Dominica Secunda Passionis seu in Palmis - Missa 'Dómine Ne Longe' - March 24th, 2024 (Holy Week)

†        Palm  Sunday,  Dominica  Secunda  Passionis  seu  in  Palmis,  Missa  'Dómine  Ne  Longe' - March 24th, 2024 - Propers       †        Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - March 18th, 2024 to March 24th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | St. Joseph, Spouse of the B.V.M. |  Palm Sunday L ITURGICAL OnePeterFive (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) >> Diebus Saltem Dominicis: Palm Sunday – Don’t be a froward ass. Sermonry >> Palm Sunday New Liturgical Movement (Gregory DiPippo) >> The Traditional Mass of Palm Sunday The Divine Lamp - Extraordinary Form >> Commentaries and Resources for Palm Sunday (Dominica II Passionis Seu in Palmis) Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's - The Church's Year >>  PALM SUNDAY DOM PROSPER GUÉRANGER, ABBOT OF SOLESMES - THE LITURGICAL YEAR >> PALM SUNDAY Voice of the Family (a Dominican Friar) >> Behold, thy King cometh to thee: sermon on Palm Sunday Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >> Palm Sunday (Secon

Saturday Mass Edition - Saturday of Passion Week - Sabbato infra Hebdomadam Passionis - Missa 'Miserére Mihi' - March 23rd, 2024

†         Saturday  of  Passion  Week,  Sabbato  infra  Hebdomadam  Passionis,  Missa 'Miserére  Mihi' - March 23rd, 2024 - Propers     †        Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - March 18th, 2024 to March 24th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | St. Joseph, Spouse of the B.V.M. |  Palm Sunday L ITURGICAL Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >> Saturday in Passion Week The +Ecu-Men+ >> March 23 – Saturday in Passion Week IN LUMINE FIDEI (Rita Bogna) >> 23 MARCH – SATURDAY IN PASSION WEEK Lives of the Saints >>  23 March  Saint Victorian and Companions, Martyrs  († 484) CatholicSaints.Info:  23 March Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> March 23rd   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY Aleteia (Philip Kosloski) >> Why olive branches are sometimes used on Palm Sunday Aleteia (Daniel Esparza) >> The Alcobaça monastery: The splendor of Cistercian austerity Aleteia (I.Media) >> When Pope Francis takes on the Mafia: Who

Friday Mass Edition - Friday of Passion Week - Feria Sexta infra Hebdomadam Passionis - Missa 'Miserére Mihi' - March 22nd, 2024

†         Friday  of  Passion  Week,  Feria  Sexta  infra  Hebdomadam  Passionis,  Missa  'Miserére  Mihi' - March 22nd, 2024 - Propers      †        Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - March 18th, 2024 to March 24th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | St. Joseph, Spouse of the B.V.M. |  Palm Sunday L ITURGICAL Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >> Friday in Passion Week The +Ecu-Men+ >> March 22 – Friday in Passion Week – The Seven Dolours of the Blessed Virgin Lives of the Saints >>  22 March  Saint Catherine of Sweden, Queen and widow, daughter of Saint Bridget  (1322-1381) CatholicSaints.Info:  22 March Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> March 22nd   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY Aleteia (J.P. Mauro) >>  South Korean Catholic Church largest ever, but stuck online Aleteia (J.P. Mauro) >>  Pew survey finds influence of religion in US dwindling Aleteia (John Burger) >> Is there a solution to the growing probl

Thursday Mass Edition - Thursday of Passion Week - Missa 'Lætétur Cor' OR St. Benedict, Abbot - Missa 'Os Iusti' - March 21st, 2024

†         Thursday  of  Passion Week,  Feria  Quinta infra  Hebdomadam  IV in  Quadragesima, Missa  'Lætétur  Cor',    Commemoration: St.  Benedict,  Abbot - March 21st, 2024 - Propers †         St.  Benedict,  Abbot,   S.  Benedicti  Abbatis,   Missa  'Os  Iusti',  Commemoration:  Thursday  of  Passion Week - March 21st, 2024 - Propers       †        Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - March 18th, 2024 to March 24th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | St. Joseph, Spouse of the B.V.M. |  Palm Sunday L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Saint Benedict Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >> Thursday in Passion Week   The +Ecu-Men+ >> March 21 – Thursday in Passion Week The +Ecu-Men+ >> March 21 – St Benedict, Abbot Lives of the Saints >>  21 March  Saint Benedict,  Father of Western Monasticism  (480-543) CatholicSaints.Info:  21 March Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> March 21st   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION AND COMMENTARY Aleteia (C

Wednesday Mass Edition - Wednesday of Passion Week OR Votive Mass for the Anniversary of the Coronation of the Pope - March 20th, 2024

†         Wednesday  of  Passion  Week,  Feria  Quarta  infra  Hebdomadam  Passionis,  Missa  'Liberátor  Meus',    Commemoration:  Pro  Papa - March 20th, 2024 - Propers †         Votive  Mass  for  the  Anniversary  of  the  Coronation of  a  Pope,  In  Die  Coronationis  Papæ  et in  Eius Anniversario,  Missa  'Statuit  Ei  Dóminus',   Commemoration:   Wednesday of  Passion  Week - March 20th, 2024 - Propers      †        Traditional Latin Mass Calendar With Hyperlinks - March 18th, 2024 to March 24th, 2024 - Propers for the  Week | St. Joseph, Spouse of the B.V.M. |  Palm Sunday L ITURGICAL Sermonry >> Wednesday in Passion Week Per Ipsum (TLM Gospel of the Day) >> Wednesday in Passion Week   The +Ecu-Men+ >> March 20 – Wednesday in Passion Week Lives of the Saints >>  20 March  Saint Wulfran,  Archbishop of Sens  (647-720)  CatholicSaints.Info:  20 March Boston Catholic Journal, Roman Martyrology >> March 20th   B LOGS, NEWS, OPINION