The Holy See

If you have not explored the website of The Holy See, you have no idea what you are missing! Since this blog is authored in English, let's choose the "English" toggle. The site is laid out well, and it only takes a bit of patience before we begin to wander the halls. Here we find a list of all the Dicasteries, Encyclicals and so on that could grab our attention. I decided to look up some things on Sacred Music and stumbled upon this--Hymns for the Celebration of the Liturgical Year. If you should place "Gregorian Chant" in the search engine, be ready to get hundreds of documents retrieved of every type and description. Here's a nice find in the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music--MP3s of all sorts recorded by teachers and students at the Pontifical Institute.

The Liturgical Calendar is nice! Let's check out Easter! Easter music...what I started to search for in the first place. In any case, you get the idea. Good hunting!
