Visitors ask...Sunday Afternoon Mass in the Baltimore Region

UPDATE: August 10th, 2008. Here is a list of EVENING Masses in D.C. I may as well link the two posts together! I have folks looking for afternoon Mass in D.C. too!

Someone from a commercial concern inquired about Sunday Masses in the afternoon. I assume this is due to a work schedule. Here is a listing from for Sunday centering on Baltimore, MD. This is from noon onwards.

To find an afternoon Mass around D.C., one would have to change the "center of search" to Silver Spring, MD, for example.

12:00 PM

St. Mary of the Assumption

St. Isaac Jogues

St. Gabriel

Sacred Heart of Mary

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Our Lady of Fatima

Immaculate Heart of Mary
12:15 PM

St. Ursula

St. Michael
12:30 PM

Our Lady of Victory

Our Lady of Hope

Mary Our Queen
1:30 PM

Holy Rosary Church
2:00 PM

3:00 PM

Our Lady of Pompei
4:00 PM

St. Gabriel

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
5:00 PM

St. Mark

St. Casimir
5:30 PM

St. Isaac Jogues

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
6:00 PM

Towson University Newman Center

Loyola College of Maryland

St. Ignatius (Jesuit Church)

St. Benedict

Holy Cross
8:00 PM

Loyola College of Maryland
