NLM: Interactive Map of 'Scholas' and A Bishop Following the Holy Father

The New Liturgical Movement has two fabulous stories today. Don't miss either! The first post is an interactive map of "scholas" (American English for Scholae) that is international. Wonder where the nearest schola is located? Bookmark this page! You can add your own location if you have a schola!

The second post is on Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison, WI:

At the Corpus Christi Mass in the Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin, the local Bishop, H. E. the Most Reverend Robert C. Morlino, in his homily made express reference to the pope's example of three days before and encouraged everyone present and physically able to receive the Blessed Sacrament on their tongues and on their knees out of reverence on this solemn occasion. For this purpose, there not being an altar rail, kneelers were put in front of the sanctuary for Communion.
Check the entire story. It is wonderful!
