Visitors ask...TLM Vocations Blog (or Traditional Vocations Blog, etc., etc.)

Okay, here is a quick check on how to make the most out of this blog. Someone was looking for "TLM vocations blog." The Google search engine plopped them here, and away they went.

If you look in the right menu, you'll find this title, "Traditional Vocations Blog." Aha! So, I posted something on this blog at some point and when I do, I usually mention that I have added it to the right menu "Blogroll and Favorite Websites." As Paul Harvey would say, "that's the rest of the story!" Check out the Tradional Vocations Blog. It has a ton of good things including links to every conceivable Traditional religious order.

If the original searcher had gone to the upper left where it says, "search" and entered "traditional" and "blog", I bet the correct link would have shown up in the list of items returned (like here!)

We have everything on this blog someplace (or will eventually, Lord willing)... We even have links to Seminary Instructors who love to cook, write blogs called "Grace Before Meals" and are black belts in the martial arts. You won't find that in most places!
