Morning Roundup - St. Romuald, Abbott - Missa 'Os Iusti Meditabitur' - February 7th, 2011
- A Trail of Flowers >> Light
- A Priest Life >> 363
- Accepting Abundance >> Ronald Reagan - Reflecting on Defense and Dinner
- ADW Blog >> Compare and Contrast: Super Bowl and the Mass, Football and Faith
- Ars orandi >> FSSP to live-stream evenings of recollection beginning this Friday
- Caritas in Veritate >> Welcome affirmation of marriage from a French court
- Catholic >> And now, ARCIC III: isn’t it time to bring this ecumenical farce to an end? (William Oddie)
- CatholicVote.Org >> The Murder of Christians (Joseph Bottum)
- Conversion Diary >> What is the religious climate in your country?
- Creative Minority Report >> Baby Darth Vader
- Domine da mihi hanc aquam >> Icon of the Goodness of Creation
- First Thoughts >> Where Do the College Graduates Live? (Joe Carter)
- Food for thought >> Congrats to the Cheese Heads!
- Godzdogz >> Litany of Loreto - Cause of our Joy
- Insight Scoop >> Anne Rice: Catholic Church is " immoral church..."
- Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Monday, Week 5: "Let there be light"
- Mulier Fortis >> Just To Make Deo Volente Happy... (it all began with mention of the color "aubergine" and it snowballed from that point on...)
- Musings of a Pertinacious Papist >> The Divine Office - Part 4
- Roma locuta est >> New Translation Monday: My Sacrifice and Yours
- RORATE CÆLI >> New translations of the Paul VI Missal
- Shower of Flowers >> Identity...Grace...Liberty
- The Catholic Thing >> The Poverty of Social Justice (Robert Royal)
- The Chant Café >> Where Does the Term Missal Come From?
- The Curt Jester >> Free from all error
- WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: Should I teach my child to confess sins in kind and also number?
- Word on Fire >> New Evangelization: Father Barron in the New Media

Eggplant Parmesan for Mulier Fortis! (Image: Utopian Kitchens)
Definitely not a hair colour I can consider...
You must admit that it looks tantalizing on an eggplant in a nice Italian dish smothered with parmesan!