Morning Roundup - 7th Day in the Octave of Christmas - Comm.: St. Sylvester I, Pope & Confess. - December 31st, 2014
Local Events: Traditional Latin Mass Schedule for January 1st in the VA/DC/MD Metroplex & Environs - 2015 Archdiocese of Washington (Msgr. Charles Pope) >> “Alas, Alas for the Great City!” An Urgent Plea for Prayer at the New Year! Ask Sister Mary Martha >> Under the Mistletoe with You! Bangor to Bobbio (Fr. Seán Coyle) >> Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God. Happy New Year! Catholic Conclave (Christopher Gillibrand) >> Socialist Youth and Catholic Students at war (Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith) >> What to look out for in 2015 (Jonathan Luxmoore) >> Majority of German bishops back call for Communion for remarried >> Church gained 15 million Catholics in a year, say researchers Catholic Stand (Patti Maguire Armstrong) >> If We Don’t Know It’s Sin, Does It Hurt Us? Catholic Stand (Gabriel Garnica) >> The Ultimate Lemonade