Evening Roundup - St. Ignatius of Loyola, Confessor - July 31st, 2015
ABYSSUS ABYSSUM INVOCAT / DEEP CALLS TO DEEP (Bishop Emeritus Rene Gracida) >> PLANNED PARENTHOOD IS ON THE DEFENSIVE AT LAST !!!!! Aleteia (Silas Henderson) >> Savoring the Bread of Life: Reflecting on the Sunday Gospel Aleteia (John Burger) >> Sanity in the Court: Judge Denies Claim That Chimps are Persons Aleteia (John Burger) >> Authorities Investigating Mysterious Church Demolition in Mexico Bill Petro >> History of Blue Moon Catholic Answers (Tim Staples) >> Can We Evangelize Muslims? Catholic Answers (Steve Weidenkopf) >> The Massacre of Jerusalem CatholicHerald.co.uk (Mary O'Regan) >> Tomorrow I am starting the First Five Saturdays devotion – here is how I am preparing for it Catholic Sacristan (Warren Anderson) >> Traditional Stone Cutters Catholic Stand (Colleen McCrum) >> Become as Little Children Catholic Stand (Mike Eisenbath) >> My Plea For “Unknown Heroism” Creative...