Traditional Latin Mass Calendar - April 23rd, 2018 to April 29th, 2018 - Ordo for the Week
April, 2018
- Monday, 23rd - Feria of Paschaltide, Feria Secunda infra Hebdomadam III post Octavam Paschæ, Missa 'Iubiláte Deo', 4th Class, White [Gloria; Preface of Easter; Commemoration: St. George, Martyr]
- Monday, 23rd - St. George, Martyr, S. Georgii Martyris, Missa 'Protexísti', 4th Class, Red [Gloria; Preface of Easter]
- Tuesday, 24th - St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Martyr, S. Fidelis de Sigmaringa Martyris, Missa 'Protexísti', 3rd Class, Red [Gloria; Preface of Easter]
- Wednesday, 25th - St. Mark, Evangelist, S. Marci Evangelistæ, Missa 'Protexísti', 2nd Class, Red [Gloria & Creed; Preface of the Apostles; Commemoration: Greater Litanies; 2nd Vespers of St. Mark, Evangelist]
- Wednesday, 25th - Rogation Mass (if there is a procession), Missa de Rogationibus, Missa 'Exaudivit', 2nd Class, Violet [Preface of Easter; Commemoration: St. Mark, Evangelist]
- Thursday, 26th - SS. Cletus & Marcellinus, Popes & Martyrs, SS. Cleti et Marcellini Summorum Pontificum et Martyrum, Missa 'Si Diligis Me', 3rd Class, Red [Gloria; Preface of Easter]
- Friday, 27th - St. Peter Canisius, Confessor & Doctor, S. Petri Canisii Confessoris et Ecclésiæ Doctoris, Missa 'In Médio Ecclésiæ', 3rd Class, White [Gloria; Preface of Easter]
- Saturday, 28th - St. Paul of the Cross, Confessor, S. Pauli a Cruce Confessoris, Missa 'Christo Confixus', 3rd Class, White [Gloria; Preface of Easter; 1st Vespers of 4th Sunday after Easter]
- Sunday, 29th - Fourth Sunday after Easter, Dominica Quarta Post Pascha, Missa 'Cantáte Dómino', 2nd Class, White [Gloria & Creed; Preface of Easter; 2nd Vespers of 4th Sunday after Easter]
H/T: Ordo of the F.S.S.P., 2018
Tridentine Latin Rite Missal Project

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