Traditional Latin Mass Calendar - April 9th, 2018 to April 15th, 2018 - Ordo for the Week
April, 2018
- Monday, 9th - Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (transferred), In Annuntiatione Beate Mariæ Virgine, Missa 'Vultum Tuum', 1st Class, White [Gloria & Creed; Preface of the Blessed Virgin Mary; 2nd Vespers of the Annunciation]
- Tuesday, 10th - Feria of Paschaltide, Feria Tertia infra Hebdomadam I post Octavam Paschæ, Missa 'Quasi Modo', 4th Class, White [Gloria; Preface of Easter]
- Wednesday, 11th - St. Leo I, Pope, Confessor & Doctor, Sancti Leonis I. Papæ, Conf. et Eccl. Doct., Missa 'Si Diligis Me', 3rd Class, White [Gloria; Preface of Easter]
- Thursday, 12th - Feria of Paschaltide, Feria Quinta infra Hebdomadam I post Octavam Paschæ, Missa 'Quasi Modo', 4th Class, White [Gloria; Preface of Easter]
- Friday, 13th - St. Hermenegild, Martyr, S. Hermenegildi Martyris, Missa 'Protexísti Me', 3rd Class, Red [Gloria; Preface of Easter]
- Saturday, 14th - St. Justin, Martyr, S. Justini Martyris, Missa 'Narravérunt', 3rd Class, Red [Gloria; Preface of Easter; Commemoration: Sts. Tibertius, Valerian & Maximus, Martyrs; 1st Vespers of 2nd Sunday after Easter]
- Sunday, 15th - Second Sunday after Easter (Good Shepherd Sunday), Dominica Secunda Post Paschæ, Missa 'Misericórdia Dómini', 2nd Class, White [Gloria & Creed; Preface of Easter; 2nd Vespers of 2nd Sunday after Easter]

H/T: Ordo of the F.S.S.P., 2018
Tridentine Latin Rite Missal Project
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