
Showing posts with the label Archbp. Vigneron

Evening - St. Hyacinth, Confessor - August 17th, 2009

Acton Institute PowerBlog >> Review: How the Byzantines Saved Europe Biblical Evidence for Catholicism >> The Balanced, Biblical Catholic View: Consecrated Virginity and Sacramental, Indissoluble Marriage With Lots of Children ("Both/And") Biblical Evidence for Catholicism >> Asking Mary and the Saints to Pray for Us Rather Than Going Straight to God: An Introductory Explanation Bonfire of the Vanities >> What the Assumption means for us (Assumption homily) Catholic World News >> Tens of thousands of Vietnamese Catholics rally for religious freedom on feast of the Assumption Insight Scoop >> Bishop Finn: "We must act against what is clearly evil." Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Monday, 20th Wk: “Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?” New Liturgical Movement >> Archbishop Vigneron at Assumption Grotto New Liturgical Movement >> 2nd Annual Southeastern Liturgical Music Symposium New Liturgic...

Afternoon Roundup - St. William, Abbot (EF) - June 25th, 2009

A Priest Life >> God is Beautiful Catholic Church Conservation >> New Motu Proprio on the SSPX this summer ? (Read this!) Mulier Fortis >> Recitation Of The Divine Office... The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Pontifical High Mass at Westminster The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Chesterton Conference (hear Gilbert speak!) New Liturgical Movement >> Archbishop Vincent Nichols Encourages Renewal of Prayer Life and Eucharistic Devotions for Year of the Priest WDTPRS >> Liturgical booklets for the Papal Ceremonies for Sts. Peter and Paul WDTPRS >> French article on upcoming Ecclesia Dei & SSPX Motu Proprio WDTPRS >> Archbp. Vigneron's blog

Noon (EDT) - St. William, Abbot (EF) - June 25th, 2009

American Papist >> Cool: Detroit's Archbishop blogs from Rome Catholic Herald UK >> Bishops: Abortion ‘is not a medicine ’ Catholic Herald UK >> Revive devotions for year of priests, urges Archbishop (Archbishop Vincent Nichols) New Liturgical Movement >> Mass with Cardinal, recording (Card. George, CMAA) WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: one confession for many indulgences ? WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: When is the feast of St. Jane Frances de Chantal ? (this is fascinating!)