
Showing posts with the label Catholic Healthcare

Evening - Monday of the Fourth Week in Lent - Missa 'Deus In Nomine Tuo' - March 15th, 2010

AmP >> Health Care: The Last Battle First Thoughts >> Counting on Health Care (Joseph Bottum) Insight Scoop >> Abp. Chaput laments "long, unpleasant and too often dishonest national health-care debate... " New Liturgical Movement >> Preparing for Holy Week: Submit Your Requests (requests for Chants...) New Liturgical Movement >> Reform of the Reform Communities and In Utroque Usu: Opus Mariae Matris Ecclesiae Secondhand Smoke >> ESCR: Even When They Get Their Way, “the Scientists” Complain The Curt Jester >> Culture of Death Stations of the Cross WDTPRS >> Catholic League: Hell’s Bible - The New York Times - “gunning for the Pope ” WDTPRS >> Is NCR taking sides against Archbp. Chaput and the school in Boulder, CO ? Whispers in the Loggia >> Bishops on Health-Care: "It Must Be Opposed "

Evening - Fourth Sunday in Lent (Laetare Sunday) - Missa 'Laetare' - March 14th, 2010

Mulier Fortis >> Those Pesky Questions About Rubrics... (answering questions regarding a Requiem Mass in the Extraordinary Form for a priest) New Liturgical Movement >> Solemn Mass (Usus Antiquior) in the Pantheon Commemorates Giovanna of Savoy Standing on My Head >> Return to the Father The Cathoholic >> Legion of Christ: Judgment Day ? The New Theological Movement >> Mercy and Justice The Way of the Fathers >> Daily Dose of the Fathers The Way of the Fathers >> The Beginning of the End of Child Abuse WDTPRS >> Catholic Health Ass. supports pro-abortion Senate bill WDTPRS >> WSJ: A different tone of coverage about the German scandal Whispers in the Loggia >> The Big Dance, Church Edition

Morning - St. Theresa of the Child Jesus - October 3rd, 2009

American Papist >> Video: Stop Hyding! - Abortion and Health Care Reform A Trail of Flowers >> The Flower of Youth Insight Scoop >> The Pope addresses the U.S. health care situation Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Saturday 26th Wk: "even the demons are subject to us " Seminarians for Life >> Pope calls for respect for life and protection of consciences in the U.S The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Go forth, Christian soul... (beautiful...)

Afternoon Roundup - St. Mary Magdalen, Penitent - July 22nd, 2009

American Papist >> GE says "Who needs Lab rats? We have human stem cells!" Colleen Hammond >> G.K. Chesterton on Tradition Standing on My Head >> Relics of St. Mary Magdalene SUB TUUM >> Mary Magdalene and Rennes-le-Chateau Preacher and Big Daddy >> Imagine My Amazement The Anchoress >> Genesis, Evolution the Sistine Chapel The Catacombs >> Great Discoveries... The Curt Jester >> Diagnosis Critical (fascinating) Whispers in the Loggia >> Wrist and All, the Work Continues

Catholic Review Online: Health care workers urged to fight for conscience rights

The Catholic Review contains two stories which touch on the conscience rights of physicians that are in jeopardy. George P. Matysek, Jr. covers the symposium on conscience rights that took place May 9th at St. Joseph Medical Center in Towson . This was the first symposium of what may become an annual event to be sponsored by Archbishop Edwin O'Brien. Dr. Janet Smith of Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit gave the keynote address: In the keynote address, Dr. Janet Smith, Father Michael J. McGivney Chair of Life Ethics at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, outlined the church’s teachings on conscience – emphasizing that conscience isn’t an opinion about what’s right and wrong; it is “listening to the voice of God within.” “There is an erroneous view of conscience that says individuals independently are faced with their own truth,” Dr. Smith said. Addressing the church’s teachings on sexuality, Dr. Smith said the sexual act “should express a willingness to have a lifetime ...

Late Afternoon Roundup - Feast of Saint Anselm - April 21st, 2009

Catholic Review Online >> Archbishop to host health care symposium (Paul McMullen; first annual event is scheduled for May 9th) WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: going to another diocese for traditional Confirmation WDTPRS >> St. Coleman’s, Cobh, Ireland: Easter Monday TLM

Afternoon Roundup - Fourth Sunday of Lent, March 22nd, 2009

Creative Minority Report >> ND Students May Not Attend Commencement OSV Daily Take >> Catholic hospital experts: FOCA not the biggest threat (please check this important post and, by all means, read the full story here ; this has serious implications for Catholic health care) WDTPRS >> Harvard prof defends Benedict XVI on condoms and AIDS WDTPRS >> A Laetare image (magnificent!)

Evening Roundup -Thursday of the Second Week in Lent - March 12th, 2009

Catholic World News >> Boston Catholic health-care agency wins state contract- including abortion coverage RORATE CÆLI >> Communiqué of the Superior General of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X [FSSPX / SSPX] The New Liturgical Movement >> Sacred Music Renewal in the Southeast: Musica Sacra Florida Gregorian Chant Conference WDTPRS >> A UK weekly The Universe will now publish TLM info WDTPRS >> Today’s reworking of an ancient prayer in the Novus Ordo WDTPRS >> Have media talking points been worked out about the PCED? WDTPRS >> Thavis of CNS on Pope Benedict’s Letter Whispers in the Loggia >> Long Knives in the Palace?

Early Roundup - Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

Catholic-Hierarchy News >> Knestout named Washington Auxiliary Whispers in the Loggia >> For DC, Bishop Barry FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> Healthcare with a conscience (James C. Capretta)