
Showing posts with the label Letter to Bishops

Wednesday of the Second Week in Lent - March 11th, 2009

Personal Statement : I find it incredibly sad that Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, found it necessary to resort to a letter to all Bishops in defense of his actions regarding the Society of Saint Pius X. As evidence of this, I ask all to read the final paragraph of the post from RORATE CÆLI which contains a direct quote that is both heartrending and prophetic. I urge all to continue to pray for His Holiness daily, the Vicar of Christ. ~D.v. Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Vatican II liturgy: "a change in the forms but no true renewal " RORATE CÆLI >> URGENT MATTER. The Pope defends himself; cries against moral lynching of Traditionalists. UPDATED (see the NLM also) The Recovering Choir Director >> Pope Pius VI on sacred music, etc. The Catholic Thing >> Obama Proposes a Toast (William Saunders) The New Liturgical Movement >> Papal Letter about the Lifting of the SSPX Excommunications - the Letter Itself

Evening Roundup - Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

AmericanPapist >> Unearthed Vatican Letter to Bishops Emphasizes Choice of Defiance (that also brings this retrospection by Cardinal Stafford into the fore once again ) AmericanPapist >> Text: Excerpt of Vatican's communique to ex-bishop Lugo Update : Here is a link to the "unearthed letter" mentioned by Thomas Peters above . It is startling to say the least.