
Showing posts with the label Personal Prelature

Afternoon - St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop and Confessor - October 23rd, 2009

American Papist >> Baltimore City Council targets pro-life pregnancy centers ADW Blog >> Beyond the Rhetoric: Why Not Mary ? A Trail of Flowers >> Old friends Catholic Culture >> Motu Proprio intended for all, not just traditionalists, Vatican official says Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Friday, 29th Wk: "I take delight in the law of God " New Liturgical Movement >> SSPX Personal Prelature ? New Liturgical Movement >> Interview with Msgr. Guido Pozzo, Secretary of PCED RORATE CÆLI >> PCED Secretary is interviewed Standing on My Head >> The Slippery Slope The Catholic Thing >> Bold, Benedetto, and Bello (Robert Royal) WDTPRS >> Personal prelature for SSPX ? Whispers in the Loggia >> For SSPX, Eyes on the Prize

Early Roundup - Thursday, January 29th, 2009 - What A Week!

Breviarium Romanum >> Benedict XVI: "Accomplish...true recognition of the Second Vatican Council" >> Holy Smoke: Traditional Anglicans 'to be offered personal prelature by Pope' (Damian Thompson) RORATE CAELI >> More Papal moves towards unity. A Personal Prelature for the Traditional Anglican Communion? The New Liturgical Movement >> Traditional Anglican Communion to be Received as Personal Prelature?

WDTPRS: Countdown: accord between Holy See and SSPX and Neo-Catechumenals must adhere to the Roman Rite

Fr. Zuhlsdorf has an open discussion going on the two big stories of the day. First, the story broken by The New Liturgical Movement concerning the offer to the SSPX to "regularize ." And, the second story reported by Sandro Magister of Chiesa which recounts the changes to be made by he Neo-Cathechumenals .

Visitors ask...Opus Dei (in Baltimore or Maryland or Washington)

A perennial favorite in search strings is getting to be "Opus Dei " ('in Baltimore,' or 'in Maryland' or 'in Washington, D.C.). I am a bit surprised that visitors land here, but suspect that it might be because I posted a link to the vaunted reading list of Fr. C. John McCloskey which is one of my "all time" favorite links (and lists) ! Opus Dei's website is not 'hidden or secret' but is located here . This link connects to international locations. The Opus Dei link for the United States is here . Since Opus Dei ("the work of God") is a personal prelature , it is...umm... personal ! This link gives some personal testimonies of members and what Opus Dei has meant to them . Opus Dei runs a number of schools within the United States. The closest is Oakcrest School whose website is found here. As you can see, the school is located in McLean, VA. If you wish to receive the free email Opus Dei newsletter, ...

Zenit: Opus Dei Opens Its Doors to Everyone

Miriam Díez i Bosch of has an interesting interview with the Vicar General of the personal prelature, Opus Dei , Rev. Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz . Here is a small portion of that interview: Q: Opus Dei was born to help laypeople in their ordinary life. Are laypeople truly a part of the prelature of Opus Dei, or is the prelature only for the relatively few priests of Opus Dei? Monsignor Ocáriz: Opus Dei was born precisely to remind everyone, both priests and laypersons, of the universal call to holiness. As [the founder] St. Josemaría taught since 1928, the fact that this call is universal and that God calls each person, means that all upright human realities -- professional work, family and social relations -- can and should be a sanctified and sanctifying reality. As Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger said when the founder of Opus Dei was canonized, the message of St. Josemaría Escrivá has helped to correct an erroneous idea of sanctity, as thought it were reserved only for the ...