
Showing posts with the label Sancta Missa

Morning Roundup - Pentecost Thursday (EF) or Thursday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time - June 4th, 2009

American Papist >> Rumor: Dominican to become next bishop of Fort Wayne ? Breviarium Romanum >> Sancta Missa: "Psállite Deo, qui ascéndit super cælum cæli, * ad Oriéntem." Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> "Which is the first of all the commandments?" New Liturgical Movement >> A Shower of Roses The Alphonsianum >> He that Loves Jesus Christ ought to Hate the World The Catholic Thing >> Faith's Greatest Threat (William E. Carroll) The Catholic Truth >> George Tiller – Pray For His Soul But Don’t Stop Speaking Out! WDTPRS >> waste not want not WDTPRS >> Politics and worship

Early Roundup - Thursday, January 8th, 2009

FIRST THINGS : On the Square >> Richard John Neuhaus, 1936–2009 (Joseph Bottum; Requiescat in pace!) FIRST THINGS : On the Square >> Born Toward Dying (Father Richard John Neuhaus; February, 2000) Creative Minority Report >> Georgetown's Secret Identity The New Liturgical Movement >> First Masses in the Extraordinary Form The New Liturgical Movement >> Sancta Missa Workshops - Feb. 9-13 WDTPRS >> Archd. Milwaukee: TLM established WDTPRS >> From Bytom, Poland, a beautiful photo WDTPRS >> Wonderful photos of an investiture of Benedictine sisters! Whispers in the Loggia >> All Eyes on the Docket Whispers in the Loggia >> "State of the World," '09 Edition

Sancta Missa - Latin High Mass and Benediction - 1962 Missale Romanum - DVD

I just received notice that the Canons Regular of Saint John Cantius have released a new DVD this week. It is a DVD Instruction of the Traditional Latin High Mass for Priests, Seminarians, Altar Servers, Sacristans, Church Musicians and available from the Sancta Missa webstore . The DVD sounds beautiful . Here is information from the Sancta Missa website: Celebrant Reverend Scott A. Haynes, S.J.C. Associate Pastor, Saint John Cantius Church, Chicago Master of Ceremonies Brother Anselm Karas, S.J.C. Acolytes Brother Kevin Mann, S.J.C. and Brother Jonathan Ryan, S.J.C. Thurifer Brother Robert Brajkovich, S.J.C. Boat-bearer Brother Juan Garcia, S.J.C. Crucifer Brother Scott Thelander, S.J.C. Film Location Saint John Cantius Roman Catholic Church 825 North Carpenter Street, Chicago, Illinois 60642 United States of America Please check the Saint John Cantius webstore . The Society has a growing list of items on DVD including the Tridentine Mass narrated in French; ...

Visitors ask...Latin-English Missal in PDF Format

I have just had a search for a "Latin-English" Missal in PDF format. A search of the SanctaMissa website reveals that the entire 1962 Missale Romanum can be downloaded at this link . You can't get any better than that.

Audio files of the Mass on MP3 - Update

It seems that more and more people from every corner of the globe are seeking MP3 files of the Ordinary of the Mass. At one time, the Latin Society of Ireland had these online. However, those files are not present any longer and only the Latin/English text of the Mass is now present. In the header to this blog, you will see a link which reads: Sancta Missa TLM Online Tutorial . This link was added today. Sancta Missa's link will take you to the Mass. The tutorial on the left and right is divided into sections. If you click the left column, you will be taken to photos and video links . If you click the right, you are taken to the "Ordo Missae of the Mass" divided in a step-by-step fashion . If you click the Latin of the Mass (in the left column), an MP3 file recites the prayer for you . It is quite an amazing feat. One can literally go through the Mass section by section. Note too that Sancta Missa has a marvelous DVD to offer as well. I hope this solves the...

10 Star Edition: Monday, May 26th, 2008 - Memorial Day After Dark

WDTPRS>> Video of the great Archbp. Ranjith (Sec. CDWDS) on liturgy The New Liturgical Movement >> Report on Sancta Missa Workshop, May 19-23, Chicago The New Liturgical Movement >> Celebrating the Graduale RORATE CAELI >> Corpus Christi in the Philippines

Graduale Romanum Online

I have had numerous searches for such things as "sacred music for Lent" or "Latin hymns for Easter." This is a hard subject for me to broach as I am not a musician and I am not sure what the individual is searching for. I suspect that a great "all around" Church hymnal for the Novus Ordo Mass is the Adoremus Hymnal . It is respected by many for fidelity and beauty. For those who wish to tackle the entire gamut of sacred music, Sancta Missa has a copy of the 1961 Graduale Romanum online for download in a PDF version of over 60 MB . That is "as good as it gets." The MusicaSacra website is probably the closest thing I can think of for being THE FIRST stop for those involved in music liturgy . It has an entire library of music available in the right menu and publishes "Sacred Music." The website includes the aforesaid Graduale Romanum with a search function. I hope that proves helpful. I don't know of any online reso...

The Divine Office: A Study of the Roman Breviary By Rev. E.J. Quigley

The New Liturgical Movement reports that Sancta Missa now has "A Study of the Roman Breviary" by Rev. E.J. Quigley online . Once again, Sancta Missa adds a beautiful resource for all to have.

Sancta MIssa-Online Tutorial of the Latin Mass according to the 1962 Missale Romanum

I can't possibly describe the amazing treasure that the Saint John Cantius Society has placed on the internet in short order following the Motu Proprio, Summorum Pontificum . Here is an online tutorial of the TLM with videos, photos and even MP3s of the Latin text being recited . This is just a brief portion of the treasures found herein. This is not to be missed! Please email a link to this website to all those you know who are interested in the TLM!