
Showing posts with the label Tattoos and Piercings

Evening - St. John Mary Vianney, Confessor (Saint Jean-Marie-Baptiste Vianney) - August 8th, 2009

ADW Blog >> Faith as a “Drug Problem ” Biblical Evidence for Catholicism >> John 6 (Eucharist): the Plausibility of Literal Interpretation, Based on Extensive Analogical Cross-Referencing and Insufficient Counter-Arguments Domine da mihi hanc aquam >> Knowing nothing but the crucified Christ Insight Scoop >> Ronald Knox on St. Dominic and the Dominicans Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> 19th Sunday Ordinary Time: "I am the bread of life. " New Liturgical Movement >> Anthony Symondson on "Hardman of Birmingham " Patrick Madrid >> Physical Graffiti: A Catholic Perspective on Tattoos, Piercings, and "Body Art" The Anchoress >> Bottom Lines vs Love… The Catholic Truth >> Being Content With An Audience Of “One ” WDTPRS >> Obama advisor John Holdren: newborns are not fully human (I believe his precise designation, Father, is "Science Czar " the latter term being derived from the Latin...