The Easter Vigil Mass - The Paschal Vigil - Sabbato Sancto - March 31st, 2018 - Propers & Exsultet (Video & MP3)
The Easter Vigil Mass (The Paschal Vigil)
Sabbato Sancto
1st Class
[Gloria; Preface of Easter]
Station: St. John Lateran
Extraordinary Form (The Easter Vigil Mass):
Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version (Click Here; DivinumOfficium.Com, 3-31-2018)
Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin, PDF Format (Click Here; MaternalHeart.Org, THE PASCHAL VIGIL)
Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - PDF Format (Click Here; Latin Mass Propers: ExtraordinaryForm.Org, THE LITURGY OF HOLY SATURDAY / VIGIL MASS OF EASTER)
Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version (Click Here; Introibo ad altare Dei.Fr, Latin/French; Vigile Pascale)
Liturgia Latina (David Forster): Holy Saturday
Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's - The Church's Year: INSTRUCTION ON HOLY SATURDAY

Sancta Missa Propers in Latin (Score, MP3): Dominica Paschæ in Resurrectione Domini - Ad Vigiliam Paschalem in Nocte Santa
St. René Goupil Chant Website: Paschal Vigil (Solemnes, 1957, PDF Format)
The Exsúltet: (The Paschal Proclamation; EF) - Sung During the Easter Vigil Mass: Latin and English (Video & MP3s) - March, 2016
Sancta Missa Propers in Latin (Score, MP3): Exsultet iam (2m 16.2s - 400 kb)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary: Easter Vigil - Exsultet (EXSULTET) (MP3; FSSP)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary: Easter Vigil - Lesson I - Prophecy tone (MP3; FSSP)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary: Easter Vigil - Lesson I - FSSP tone (MP3; FSSP)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary: Easter Vigil - Easter Vigil - Lesson II (MP3; FSSP)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary: Easter Vigil - Easter Vigil - Cantemus Domino (MP3; FSSP)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary: Easter Vigil - Easter Vigil - Lesson III (MP3; FSSP)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary: Easter Vigil - Easter Vigil - Vinea mea (MP3; FSSP)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary: Easter Vigil - Easter Vigil - Lesson IV (MP3; FSSP)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary: Easter Vigil - Easter Vigil - Attende caelum et loquar (MP3; FSSP)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary: Easter Vigil - Easter Vigil - Preface Blessing of Baptismal Water (MP3; FSSP)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary: Easter Vigil - Easter Vigil - Sicut Cervus (MP3; FSSP)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary: Easter Vigil - Easter Vigil - Epistle (MP3; FSSP)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary: Easter Vigil - Easter Vigil - Alleluia (MP3; FSSP)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary: Easter Vigil - Easter Vigil - Confitemini Domino (MP3; FSSP)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary: Easter Vigil - Easter Vigil - Laudate Dominum (MP3; FSSP)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary: Easter Vigil - Easter Vigil - Gospel (MP3; FSSP)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary: Easter Vigil - Easter Vigil - Alleluia Laudate Dominum (MP3; FSSP)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary: Easter Vigil - Easter Vigil - Et valde mane Benedictus (MP3; FSSP)
Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary: Easter Vigil - Easter Vigil - Ite Missa Est Alleluia (MP3; FSSP)
The Chant of Le Barroux: Office for 2018-03-31
LiveMass.Net (Live Mass Online)
Christ the King (FSSP), Sarasota, FL, Guadalajara, Mexico and Fribourg, Switzerland (Mass Time Clocks can be found at the LiveMass website!)
Ordinary Form (At the Easter Vigil in the Holy Night of Easter):
Easter Sunday - The Resurrection of the Lord - At the Easter Vigil in the Holy Night of Easter
USCCB Daily Mass Readings; Click here
chantblog: Exsultet!
chantblog: The Easter Vigil: Alleluia!
Fr. Z's Blog: What Does The Prayer Really Say?: A side-by-side look at Exsultet texts/
New Liturgical Movement: The Exsultet in English (Gregory DiPippo)
Tags: TLM Propers; USCCB Mass Propers; The Easter Vigil Mass; LiveMass TLM Link; The Paschal Vigil; 2018; Sabbato Sancto; Easter Sunday - The Resurrection of the Lord - At the Easter Vigil in the Holy Night of Easter (N.O.); Gregorian Chant Propers; Chanted Gospel & Epistle (MP3; FSSP); Exsultet (Video & MP3s)
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