Evening Roundup - St. Catherine of Siena, Virgin - S. Catharinæ Senensis Virginis - Missa 'Dilexísti' - April 30th, 2018
Traditional Latin Mass Calendar - April 30th, 2018 to May 6th, 2018 - Ordo for the Week CatholicHerald.co.uk (Junno Arocho Esteves) >> Clergy abuse survivors praise ‘enormously constructive’ private meetings with Pope CatholicHerald.co.uk (Cindy Wooden) >> German bishops and Vatican officials to discuss Communion on Thursday CatholicHerald.co.uk (Nick Hallett) >> Cardinal Nichols says Alfie Evans case ‘used for political aims’ Catholicism Pure & Simple >> Catholics Pray the Holy Rosary around the Coastlines of Britain Creative Minority Report (Matthew Archbold) >> Texas School Beats ADHD by Tripling Recess Time Creative Minority Report (Matthew Archbold) >> Fraudelent 19th Century Embryology Still Taught, While Modern Ultrasounds Hidden First Things (Dan Hitchens) >> April: By God LES FEMMES - THE TRUTH (Mary Ann Kreitzer) >> Young People "Get It" Archbishop Sample Says at Pontifical TLM Yesterday! LifeNews.C...