Evening News Roundup - Greater Feria of Advent - Missa 'Roráte' - Feria Quarta infra Hebdomadam IV Adventus - December 23rd, 2020

2020 - Vigil of the Nativity | Nativity of the Lord | Christmas Proclamation (Kalendas) | TLM Ordo for the Week

Traditional Latin Mass Calendar - December 21st, 2020 to December 27th, 2020 - Ordo for the Week | Nativity of Our Lord | Sunday in the Octave of Christmas

Martyrologium (anticip.)
December 25th 2020, the 10th day of the Moon,

In the year 5199th from the creation of the world, when in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, in the year 2957th from the flood, in the year 2015th from the birth of Abraham, in the year 1510th from the going forth of the people of Israel out of Egypt under Moses, in the year 1032th from the anointing of David as King, in the 65th week according to the prophecy of Daniel, in the 194th Olympiad, in the 752nd from the foundation of the city of Rome, in the 42nd year of the reign of the Emperor Octavian Augustus, in the 6th age of the world, while the whole earth was at peace, Jesus Christ, Himself Eternal God and Son of the Eternal Father, being pleased to hallow the world by His most gracious coming, having been conceived of the Holy Ghost, and when nine months were passed after His conception, (all kneel down) was born of the Virgin Mary at Bethlehem of Juda made Man, Our Lord Jesus Christ was born according to the flesh.

Upon the same 25th day of December were born into the better life:

At Rome, in the Apronian cemetery, the holy virgin Eugenia, who in the time of the Emperor Gallienus, after many works of power, and after enlisting bands of sacred virgins for Christ, suffered long under Nicetius, Prefect of the city, and at length was slain with the sword (about 258).  At Nicomedia, many thousand holy martyrs. Upon the feast of Christ's birth they had come together unto the Lord's house, and the Emperor Diocletian ordered the doors of the church to be shut, and all things made ready for fire round about it then he set a tripod and incense in front of the door, and sent an herald to proclaim in a loud voice that whosoever would escape burning should come forth arid offer incense unto Jupiter. Whereunto they all replied with one voice, that they would far rather die for Christ's sake, whereupon he kindled the fire and they were consumed, and were born in heaven upon that same day whereupon it had pleased Christ to be born into this world to save it.  At Barcelona, in Spain (in the year 1256), the holy confessor Peter Nolasco, founder of the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Ransom for the redemption of captives. He was famous for his graces and miracles, and Alexander VIII. commanded his feast to be kept upon the last day of January.
V. And elsewhere many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R. Thanks be to God.

Octavo Kalendas Ianuarii Luna decima Anno Domini 2020

Anno a creatióne mundi, quando in princípio Deus creávit cælum et terram, quinquiés millésimo centésimo nonagésimo nono; a dilúvio autem, anno bis millésimo nongentésimo quinquagésimo séptimo; a nativitáte Abrahæ, anno bis millésimo quintodécimo; a Móyse et egréssu pópuli Israel de Ægýpto, anno millésimo quingentésimo décimo; ab unctióne David in Regem, anno millésimo trigésimo secúndo; Hebdómada sexagésima quinta, iuxta Daniélis prophétiam; Olympíade centésima nonagésima quarta; ab urbe Roma cóndita, anno septingentésimo quinquagésimo secúndo; anno Impérii Octaviáni Augústi quadragésimo secúndo, toto Orbe in pace compósito, sexta mundi ætáte, Iesus Christus, ætérnus Deus æterníque Patris Fílius, mundum volens advéntu suo piíssimo consecráre, de Spíritu Sancto concéptus, novémque post conceptiónem decúrsis ménsibus (Hic vox elevatur, et omnes genua flectunt), in Béthlehem Iudæ náscitur ex María Vírgine factus Homo. (Hic autem in priori voce dicitur, et in tono passionis:) Natívitas Dómini nostri Iesu Christi secúndum carnem.
(Quod sequitur, legitur in tono Lectionis consueto; et surgunt omnes.)   

Eódem die natális sanctæ Anastásiæ, quæ, témpore Diocletiáni, primo diram et immítem custódiam a viro suo Públio perpéssa est, in qua tamen a Confessóre Christi Chrysógono multum consoláta et confortáta fuit; deínde a Floro, Præfécto Illýrici, per diútinam custódiam maceráta, ad últimum, mánibus et pédibus exténsis, ligáta est ad palos, et circa eam ignis accénsus, in quo martýrium consummávit in ínsula Palmária, ad quam una cum ducéntis viris et septuagínta féminis deportáta fúerat, qui váriis interfectiónibus martýrium celebrárunt.  Barcinóne, in Hispánia, item natális sancti Petri Nolásci Confessóris, qui Fundátor éxstitit Ordinis beátæ Maríæ de Mercéde redemptiónis captivórum, ac virtúte et miráculis cláruit. Ipsíus autem festum cólitur quinto Kaléndas Februárii.Romæ, in cœmetério Aproniáni, sanctæ Eugéniæ Vírginis, beáti Mártyris Philíppi fíliæ, quæ, témpore Galliéni Imperatóris, post plúrima virtútum insígnia, post sacros Vírginum choros Christo aggregátos, sub Præfécto Urbis Nicétio diu agonizávit, ac novíssime gládio iuguláta est.  Nicomedíæ pássio multórum míllium Mártyrum, qui cum in Christi Natáli ad Domínicum conveníssent, Diocletiánus Imperátor iánuas Ecclésiæ claudi iussit, et ignem circumcírca parari, tripodémque cum thure præ fóribus poni, ac præcónem magna voce clamáre ut qui incéndium vellent effúgere, foras exírent et Iovi thus adolérent; cumque omnes una voce respondíssent se pro Christo libéntius mori, incénso igne consúmpti sunt, atque ita eo die nasci meruérunt in cælis, quo Christus in terris pro salúte mundi olim nasci dignátus est.
V. Et álibi aliórum plurimórum sanctórum Mártyrum et Confessórum, atque sanctárum Vírginum.
R. Deo grátias.
