Morning - Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost - August 16th, 2009
ADW Blog >> All Creatures of Our God and King – On the Dignity of God’s Creation and the Special Dignity of the Human Person Biblical Evidence for Catholicism >> Dialogue With Calvinist "Pilgrimsarbour" on the Nature and Purpose of Parables in Relation to John 6 and the Eucharist Breviarium Romanum >> Assumptione Beatae Mariae Virginis: "Ástitit regína a dextris tuis in vestítu deauráto: *circúmdata varietáte." Mulier Fortis >> Missa Cantata In Honour Of Our Lady... (in which "snazzy photos" are presented) Secondhand Smoke >> Wisconsin Medical Society Rejects Assisted Suicide Shouts in the Piazza >> Protocoligorically Correct (I trust this is a word, but I confess I didn't look it up...) The Way of the Fathers >> Three Amigos - And What Amigos! (D.v. translation of Aquilina-title : "A great new blog...!") The Way of the Fathers >> Run of the Mills (D.v. translation of Aquilina-ti...