RORATE CAELI: Moves towards the "Anglican Continuum"

New Catholic also now cites Atonement Online and provides some further thoughts.

I find it interesting that this story has broken so wide open today, the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and that the brown scapular features in this Marian feast with regard to St. Simon Stock
as Archbishop Myers made clear.

From its earliest days, devotion to the Mother of God always has been an important part of English Catholic life. The tradition of the Holy Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, given to the universal Church through St. Simon Stock, derives from English soil. The famed medieval shrine to Our Lady of Walsingham and its tradition of pilgrimages is deeply rooted in English history and lives again today. The fervent devotion of England to Mary is exemplified poetically and beautifully in the concept of England as “Our Lady’s Dowry,” a devotion that tradition dates to King St. Edward the Confessor.
