Visitors ask...Who is Fr. John Zuhlsdorf?

This query has appeared recently. Fr. John Zuhlsdorf has written a column for "The Wanderer" weekly newspaper for as long as I have subscribed called "What Does the Prayer Really Say?" He would methodically translate the Latin Missale Romanum and indicate what the Latin prayers "really" said.

With time, a new blog was initiated which everyone simply calls WDTPRS (shorthand for its title, "What Does the Prayer Really Say"). Fr. makes no bones about his identity. If you examine the right margin of his blog, he has posted a recent article on him linked to the "Catholic Herald" as well as a link to his own "Bona Fides."

I leave it to you to find these on his blogsite. Needless to say, he is a Roman Catholic priest, I am a big fan and I have been from his translation days that began in The Wanderer.