Traditional Latin Mass Calendar - June 1st, 2020 to June 7th, 2020 - Ordo for the Week - Octave of Pentecost & Trinity Sunday

Image Credit: Wikipedia - Baroque Trinity, Hendrick van Balen, 1620 (Sint-Jacobskerk, Antwerp) June, 2020 DIEBUS INFRA OCTAVAM PENTECOSTES Monday, 1st - Pentecost Monday, Feria Secunda infra octavam Pentecostes , Missa 'Cibávit Eos' , 1st Class, Red [Gloria & Creed; Preface of the Holy Trinity] Tuesday, 2nd - Pentecost Tuesday, Feria Tertia infra octavam Pentecostes , Missa 'Accípite Iucunditátem' , 1st Class, Red [Gloria & Creed; Preface of the Holy Trinity] Wednesday, 3rd - Ember Wednesday of Pentecost, Feria Quarta Quattuor Temporum Pentecostes , Missa 'Deus Dum Egrederéris' , 1st Class, Red [Gloria & Creed; Preface of the Holy Trinity] Thursday, 4th - Pentecost Thursday, Feria Quinta infra octavam Pentecostes , Missa 'Spíritus Dómini' , 1st Class, Red [Gloria & Creed; Preface of the Holy Trinity] Friday, 5th - Ember Friday of Pentecost, Feria Sexta Quattuor Temporum Pentecostes , Missa 'Reple...