Traditional Latin Mass Calendar - January 1st, 2018 to January 7th, 2018 - Ordo for the Week

Image Credit: Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem - Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord January, 2018 Christmastide Monday, 1st - Octave Day of the Nativity, Die Octavae Nativitatis Domini , Missa 'Puer Natus Est' , 1st Class, White [Gloria & Creed; Preface of the Nativity; 2nd Vespers of the Octave Day of Christmas] Tuesday, 2nd - Holy Name of Jesus, Sanctissimi Nominis Jesu , Missa 'In Nómine Iesu' , 2nd Class, White [Gloria & Creed; Preface of the Nativity; Vespers of the Holy Name of Jesus] Wednesday, 3rd - Feria in Christmastide, Die Tertia Januarii , Missa 'Puer Natus Est' , 4th Class, White [Gloria; Preface of the Nativity] Thursday, 4th - Feria in Christmastide, Die Quarta Januarii , Missa 'Puer Natus Est' , 4th Class, White [Gloria; Preface of the Nativity] Thursday, 4th - Jesus Christ the High Priest, Missa de D. N. Iesu Christo Summo et Æterno Sacerdote , Missa 'Juravit Dóminus' , 3rd Class, White [Gloria; Pre...