Quaerendo invenietis: Where can I find the TLM Propers for the Feast of St. Patrick?

The Ordo of the F.S.S.P. states:

"2. Ferias of Lent are of the third class and take precedence over third class feasts."

Therefore, on Thursday, March 17th, the Feria of Lent, Thursday of the First Week in Lent (Feria Quinta infra Hebdomadam I in Quadragesima ~ III. classis, Commemoratio: S. Patricii Episcopi et Conf., 'Missa 'Confessio Et Pulchritudo') will be celebrated with a simple Commemoration for St. Patrick.

In those Dioceses which celebrate the 3rd Class Feast of St. Patrick, the Mass Propers can be found here:

March 17th
Saint Patrick, Bishop & Confessor
Missa 'Statuit Ei Dominus'
3rd Class

Maternal Heart of Mary, Traditional Latin Mass Community, Lewisham, Sydney, Australia

This is a PDF file and can be downloaded to your hard drive.
