Sunday Mass Edition - Sunday after the Ascension - Missa 'Exaudi Domine' - June 1st, 2014
Archdiocese of Washington (Msgr. Charles Pope) >> Love Lifted Me – A Homily for Ascension Catholic Stand >> One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostoli c (Denise J. Hunnell, MD) Da Mihi Animas (Padre Steve) >> Dr. Scott Hahn: Faith and Hope are Distinct Fr. Z's Blog (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) >> WDTPRS Sunday after Ascension (’62): We have not been terrified by chains! Fr. Z's Blog (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) >> Fishwrap’s not-so-nice MSW calls for niceness Fr. Z's Blog (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) >> Mystic Monk Coffee… it’s for the children… FSSP - North American District >> Bishop Athanasius Schneider Ordains Seven in Omaha Liturgia Latina (David Forster) >> Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension RORATE CÆLI (New Catholic) >> "Two Popes": Has the Papacy become a Diarchy? Messori enters into the picture, Socci stands his ground and questions Special double-article post RORATE CÆLI (New Catholic) >> Thanks be to Go...