Evening Roundup - First Sunday of Advent - Dominica I Adventus - Missa 'Ad Te Levavi' - November 30th, 2014
CatholicHerald.co.uk (Francis X Rocca) >> We can’t accept a Middle East without Christians, say Pope and Ecumenical Patriarch Courageous Priest (John Quinn) >> The Truth About Bishop Robert Finn Daily Meditations with Fr. Alfonse >> Mk 13:33-37 What If... Da Mihi Animas (Padre Steve) >> Saint of the day: Andrew the Apostle Da Mihi Animas (Padre Steve) >> A Prayer for Advent Domine, da mihi hanc aquam! (Fr. Philip Neri Powell, OP) >> Know where you stand Dymphna's Road >> Vespers at St. Francis Church Fr. Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment (Fr. John Hunwicke) >> S Andrew and the British Ordinariate Fr. Z's Blog (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) >> ADVENTCAzT 01: Show Your power, O Lord, and come! JimmyAkin.Com >> Do sheep prove that Jesus wasn’t born on December 25th? Joe Catholic (Don Gonzalez) >> 1st Sunday of Advent Joe Catholic (Don Gonzalez) >> Advent: Be Prepared Musings of a Pertinacious Papist ...