
Showing posts from March, 2009

Late Evening Roundup - Tuesday of Passion Week - March 31st, 2009

The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Fr Andrew Wadsworth to ICEL (Good news alert!) The New Liturgical Movement >> Fr Andrew Wadsworth to ICEL (And again!) Whispers in the Loggia >> Arms, Staffs and Pulpiteers

Evening Roundup - Tuesday of Passion Week - March 31st, 2009

American Papist >> Breaking: Cardinal George says Notre Dame Obama invite "Extreme Embarassment" Catholic World News >> Pope orders apostolic visitation of Legionaries of Christ RORATE CÆLI >> Visitation The New Liturgical Movement >> News from Mariawald: All Masses in the Extraordinary Form The New Liturgical Movement >> Reform of the Reform Parish of St. Willibrord, Utretcht, Reportedly Adds Usus Antiquior to Offerings WDTPRS >> J.H. Newman on Notre Dame… in advance WDTPRS >> Laura Ingraham explains the situation about Notre Dame

Afternoon Roundup - Tuesday of Passion Week - March 31st, 2009

American Papist >> *Breaking: Pope Sends Apostolic Visitors to the Legionaries of Christ * (more detail added) The New Liturgical Movement >> Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 3 - The Mass of Holy Thursday and the Mandatum The New Liturgical Movement >> More on Passiontide Veiling and a New Roman Frontal The New Liturgical Movement >> Episcopal Consecration in Charleston, SC The Recovering Choir Director >> Lessons in liturgical music from the Light of the East WDTPRS >> Patrick Buchanan on Notre Shame WDTPRS >> Archbp. Nienstedt writes to the Pres. of Notre Dame

Tuesday of Passion Week - March 31st, 2009

American Papist >> Ruse: "Randall Terry Is Not the Spokesman for Catholic Orthodoxy" Breviarium Romanum >> Feria III post Dominica Passionis: "Tempus meum nondum advenit, tempus autem vestrum semper est paratum." Catholic Church Conservation >> Pope Sends Apostolic Visitors to the Legionaries of Christ FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> Barack Obama and Notre Dame: Juris Doctor Honoris Causa ? (Francis J. Beckwith) In the Light of the Law >> Abps. Wuerl (c. 916) & Burke (cc. 915-916) on admission to Communion (Edward N. Peters, JD, JCD) Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> "You will realize that I AM" Preacher and Big Daddy >> Seven Deadlies Compendium, Etc. WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: Good Friday - plain Cross or Crucifix WDTPRS >> Bishops, collegiality, and can. 915

AmericanPapist: Hadley Arkes makes a modest proposal about ND

I missed this earlier today, but Thomas Peters didn't. Please check out the essay by Hadley Arkes on "The Catholic Thing ." By the way, do you know of a Sacred Music concert, a special Usus Antiquior Mass or a Gregorian Event? Please feel free to post here and put it on the calendar ! Kindly make sure it is open to the public at large!

Afternoon Roundup - Monday of Passion Week - March 30th, 2009

OSV Daily Take >> Answering the tough questions Seminarians for Life >> HHS reversal Standing on My Head >> From the Office of Readings The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Sort out the reformation for me, would you, Sir Humphrey Transalpine Redemptorists at home >> Memento Mori WDTPRS >> Archbp. Chaput’s workshop on debate and discourse WDTPRS >> Archbp. Dolan on Pres. Obama at Notre Dame WDTPRS >> Msgr. Bux on liturgical reform of Vatican II

Monday of Passion Week - March 30th, 2009

Breviarium Romanum >> Tempus Passionis FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> Benedict XVI and the State of Israel (David P. Goldman) Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> "O eternal God, you know what is hidden" The Black Biretta >> Guilt by INVITATION not just association The New Liturgical Movement >> Chant Mania The New Liturgical Movement >> Why Latin Hymns? The Recovering Choir Director >> Two English-Latin sung Tenebrae resources

Evening Roundup - Fifth Sunday of Lent - March 29th, 2009

American Papist >> Flash: Dolan on ND decision: "They made a big mistake" Preacher and Big Daddy >> 3,000 Suscipiamur s, Plus Gluttony and Sloth Seminarians for Life >> Pro-life work The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> "There is a reason why Cardinals sport the colour red..." The New Liturgical Movement >> Tenebrae service in full, English/Latin The New Liturgical Movement >> Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 2 - The Masses of Palm Sunday, Holy Tuesday and Spy Wednesday The New Liturgical Movement >> >More from Conception Abbey WDTPRS >> Papal spokeman to be replaced? WDTPRS >> Passiontide veils WDTPRS >> More Brisbane hijinx WDTPRS >> Kmiec vs Wiegel: dueling editorials

Catholic Review Online: Baseball home opener on Good Friday ends 20-year attendance streak

Marylynn G. Hewitt's story carried by CNS and posted in the Catholic Review Online begins this way: Michael Ochab’s 20-year streak of rooting for the Detroit Tigers as part of the opening day crowd is coming to an end. Home opening day this year falls on Good Friday, April 10. “It’s a no-brainer for me,” said the 47-year-old lifetime Hamtramck resident. “He died for us on that cross.” I have to tip my hat to Mr. Ochab. Good Friday is just another day now especially for big time sports and entertainment. Fr. Ed Vilkauskas conveys my sentiments exactly: Five blocks from Comerica, Spiritan Father Ed Vilkauskas, pastor of Old St. Mary Church in Detroit’s Greektown, said having opening day on Good Friday “is kind of appalling. “I think it’s a pretty big affront to Christians,” he said. “It’s one of the most sacred and solemn days of the Christian calendar and to do that is insensitive to our faith. “Not too many years ago, stores actually closed noon to 3 p.m. Even banks were closed,...

Noon (EDT) - Fifth Sunday of Lent - March 29th, 2009 (Damian Thompson) >> Pope's press spokesman 'to resign' following PR disasters, say reports Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Fifth Sunday of Lent: "We want to see Jesus" Standing on My Head >> Bultmann and Padre Pio WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: When should the lights go on at the Easter Vigil? WDTPRS >> Most movies are crap

Fifth Sunday of Lent - March 29th, 2009

The Way of the Fathers >> Para Sailing The Way of the Fathers >> Jewish Scholars on Christian Fathers on Jewish Matters Daily Mass Readings (USCCB) >> Fifth Sunday in Lent WDTPRS >> cardinalatial stuff WDTPRS >> The President at Notre Dame and decorum

EWTN - Holy Week Schedule of Specials - 2009

EWTN, the Eternal World Television Network, has an entire week of Specials planned. Please consult the website for last minute changes . And, be sure to send them a check between the water bill and the cable bill. It is the indispensable channel on any TV set. SOLEMN MASS OF PALM SUNDAY WITH POPE BENEDICT XVI (LIVE) 2 1/2 hrs Pope Benedict XVI celebrates the Solemn Mass of Palm Sunday, live from Rome. Sun 4/05/09 4:00 AM ET & 1 AM PT Live Sun 4/05/09 8:00 PM ET & 5 PM PT Encore SOLEMN MASS OF THE LORD'S SUPPER WITH POPE BENEDICT XVI (LIVE) Pope Benedict XVI celebrates the Solemn Mass of the Lord's Supper, live from Rome. Thu 4/09/09 11:30 AM ET & 8:30 AM PT Thu 4/09/09 1:00 PM ET & 10:00 AM PT Fri 4/10/09 12:00 AM ET & (Thu) 9 PM PT CELEBRATION OF THE LORD'S PASSION WITH POPE BENEDICT XVI (LIVE) 2 1/2 Pope Benedict XVI presides over the Solemn celebration of the Lord's Passion, live from Rome. Fri 4/10/09 11...

Evening Roundup - Saturday of the Fourth Week in Lent - March 28th, 2009

RORATE CÆLI >> Pierced The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> "full of the interplay of danger and promise" Transalpine Redemptorists at home >> Vale, O valde decora! WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: "I forgive" rather than "I absolve" WDTPRS >> Card. DiNardo on SSPX excomms and Pres. Obama at UND WDTPRS >> The world must be peopled! Whispers in the Loggia >> Quote of the Day

Passion Sunday: Missa 'Iudica Me Deus' - March 29th, 2009

INTROIT ¤ Ps. 42. 1, 2 [Station at St. Peter's (Vatican)] Judica me, Deus, et discerne causam meam de gente non sancta: ab homine iniquo et doloso eripe me: quia tu es Deus meus, et fortituto mea. -- Emitte lucem tuam, et veritatem tuam: ipsa me deduxerunt, et adduxerunt in montem sanctum tuum, et in tabernacula tua. -- Judica me, Deus . . . Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause from the nation that is not holy: deliver me from the unjust and deceitful man: for Thou art my God and my strength. -- ( Ps. 42. 3). Send forth Thy light, and Thy truth: they have conducted me, and brought me unto Thy holy hill, and into thy tabernacles. . . . -- Judge me, O God, and distinguish my cause . . . Passion Sunday Tridentine Latin Rite Missal Project

Afternoon Roundup - Saturday of the Fourth Week in Lent - March 28th, 2009

Breviarium Romanum >> DOMINICA I PASSIONIS: "Quis ex vobis arguet me de peccato?" Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Fifth Sunday of Lent: "I will make a new covenant" Standing on My Head >> Hillary Clinton Sanger WDTPRS >> Bp. Tobin’s “interview” with Pres. Obama WDTPRS >> SecState Clinton: from O.L. of Guadalupe to Margaret Sanger

Saturday of the Fourth Week in Lent - March 28th, 2009

Breviarium Romanum >> Canon 915: "Panem Angelórum manducávit ira Dei ascéndit super eos." Breviarium Romanum >> Fargo, North Dakota: "Salvum me fac , Deus: quóniam intravérunt aquæ usque ad ánimam meam." Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> "Let us destroy...let us cut him off..." The New Liturgical Movement >> Solesmes This Summer Transalpine Redemptorists at home >> Ordinations to the Subdiaconate in Nebraska Transalpine Redemptorists at home >> Vespers WDTPRS >> What priests should do in the face of the floods

Evening Roundup - Friday of the Fourth Week in Lent - March 27th, 2009

The New Liturgical Movement >> Details of St. Matthew's Cathedral, Washington The New Liturgical Movement >> Some Examples of Early Twentieth-Century Scandinavian Church Architecture The New Liturgical Movement >> Rector of Conception Seminary to Offer Usus Antiquior Tomorrow for Seminarians Whispers in the Loggia >> From Houston to South Bend, "Charitable But Vigorous Critique"

Late Afternoon Roundup - Friday of the Fourth Week in Lent - March 27th, 2009

Domine, da mihi hanc aquam >> Reiki: Not Science, Not Christian Domine, da mihi hanc aquam >> More Condom Lies (via Diogenes) Preacher and Big Daddy >> Is God Faithful ? WDTPRS >> Stations of the Cross: J. Card. Ratzinger & St. Alphonsus Liguori WDTPRS >> The Lancet suggests that the Pope is a liar WDTPRS >> NCR: Former Vatican ambassador thinks bishops shouldn’t speak out (the " Reporter " and not the " Register ")

Early Afternoon Roundup - Friday of the Fourth Week in Lent - March 27th, 2009

American Papist >> US Bishops release statement ruling-out Reiki (how did this get into Retreat Houses?) American Papist >> Hillary Clinton to receive Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood OSV Daily Take >> Inactive Catholics flock to Phoenix churches WDTPRS >> Reform of royal succession WDTPRS >> TLMs are not hard for the young… on the contrary WDTPRS >> USCCB Newsletter from Committee on Divine Worship Whispers in the Loggia >> Beneath the Dome, the Storm Continues Whispers in the Loggia >> Bench: Conscience Rights = Human Rights

Friday of the Fourth Week in Lent - March 27th, 2009 (Sandro Magister) >> The Secret of Benedict XVI's Popularity. In Spite of Everything (Damian Thompson) >> Source close to Bishop Arthur Roche believes he has got Westminster Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> "Let us beset the just one" Preacher and Big Daddy >> Tedious Politics The Catholic Thing >> Remembering Sudan in Lent (William Saunders) The New Liturgical Movement >> A Rare Sight: A Conical Rose Chasuble The New Liturgical Movement >> Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 1 - The Palm Sunday Blessing and Procession of Palms Traditional Latin Mass Propers in English >> FRIDAY OF THE FOURTH WEEK IN LENT

Traditional Latin Mass in Maryland - New Blog Feature: Special Events Calendar

For some time, I've wondered how to integrate a calendar into this blog that would be of use for Special Events or non-recurring events . Usus Antiquior or Tridentine Masses scheduled weekly can be assembled in a menu ( SEE RIGHT MENU NAVBAR, for example ) and linked to Parish websites. However, what of the occasional special Mass, colloquium or musical event ? So many of these are missed when posted here unless someone knows of it in advance. The New Liturgical Movement has found a solution using a calendar embedded into their blog page . Events are self-reported and require approval by the moderator. This is a huge blog, however, affiliated with the CMAA, receives millions of "hits" and handles international events. So, the local may be lost in the shuffle. In the header to this blog, you will now see the following: Special Event Usus Antiquior Calendar for MD, DC, VA, DE, PA and WV (opens New Window) This calendar is one I've created for TLM events in t...

Afternoon Roundup - Thursday of the Fourth Week in Lent - March 26th, 2009

Catholic World News >> Full schedule for Pope's May visit to the Holy Land WDTPRS >> An instruction on new digitial world coming? WDTPRS >> Bp. Olmstead to Fr. Jenkins: “the grave mistake of your decision” WDTPRS >> A new edition of documents of Vatican II WDTPRS >> A new Missale Romanum in the works? WDTPRS >> Is the Obama Administration pressuring the Holy See to slience Archbp. Burke? Whispers in the Loggia >> The Great Gate of Gotham

Breaking: American Papist >> Flash: Abp. Burke clarifies he was misled about Communion interview agenda

Thomas Peters has an important clarification from Archbishop Burke concerning how he was misled about how his comments yesterday would be used . Whispers in the Loggia seems to have "sourced" the story earlier at 10:30 .

Thursday of the Fourth Week in Lent - March 26th, 2009

American Papist >> How did Obama at ND happen? Look to the "Land of Lakes" (Damian Thompson) >> The Magic Circle mounts one last big push for Westminster Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> "the Father has sent me" The Catholic Thing >> Hey, Obama: Hands Off Burke (Austin Ruse) The New Liturgical Movement >> New NLM Template The Recovering Choir Director >> Reminder: omit the Gloria Patri during Passiontide WDTPRS >>MartRom 25 March: The Good Thief

Evening Roundup - The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, March 25th, 2009

Acton Institute Power Blog >> Religion & Liberty: Governor Mark Sanford The Recovering Choir Director >> Spanish-language Exsultet The New Liturgical Movement >> Ordinations for the Franciscans of the Immaculate The New Liturgical Movement >> Bring Back the High Mass WDTPRS >> Ineffable consolation from the mouths of babes

The New Liturgical Movement - Exsultet from the Birmingham Oratory (YouTube)

Jeffrey Tucker has posted the Exsultet from the Birmingham Oratory on the NLM blog . It is magnificent! The piece is 9:45 in length and recorded at the Easter Vigil in 2008.

Late Afternoon Roundup - The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, March 25th, 2009

Breviarium Romanum >> IN ANNUNTIATIONE B. MARIAE VIRG. Creative Minority Report >> ND Students Start Protest Website WDTPRS >> A question about the Prayer Vigil at Notre Dame Univ. WDTPRS >> Transcript of Archpb. Burke’s video interview WDTPRS >> WDTPRS: Annunciation - Lady Day WDTPRS >> Students at U. Notre Dame issue a statement

Early Afternoon Roundup - The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, March 25th, 2009

OSV Daily Take >> The dark underside of the Plan B ruling The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Petition in Support of Pope Benedict (Human Life International) Transalpine Redemptorists at home >> 5 years ago - A Basilica for the Immaculate WDTPRS >> The upcoming SSPX ordinations: observations WDTPRS >> Oh me-o O my-o, Toledo TLM Whispers in the Loggia >> Burke v. US (I'll put my bet on Burke)

Morning Roundup - The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, March 25th, 2009

Breviarium Romanum >> "Maledícti qui declínant a mandátis tuis." FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> Faith, Media, and the Myths of the Recife Case (Joshua S. Trevino) In the Light of the Law >> Breviter: Two things Bp. D'Arcy couldn't do re Notre Dame Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> " will conceive... RORATE CÆLI >> Ave, Sancta Dei Genitrix The Catholic Thing >> Declining to Attend (Fr. James Schall, S.J.) The New Liturgical Movement >> Exultet Download Traditional Latin Mass Propers in English >> THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - March 25th, 2009 (Usus Antiquior)

INTROIT ¤ Ps. 44. 13, 15, 16 White Vultum tuum deprecabuntur omnes divites plebis: adducentur Regi virgines post eam: proximae ejus adducentur tibi in laetitia ex exsultatione. [ T. P. Alleluia, alleluia.] -- Eructavit cor meum verbum bonum: dico ego opera mea Regi. V.: Gloria Patri . . . -- Vultum tuum . . . All the rich among the people shall entreat Thy countenance: after her shall virgins be brought to the King: her neighbors shall be brought to thee in gladness and rejoicing. [ P. T. Alleluia, alleluia.] -- ( Ps. 44. 2) My heart hath uttered a good word: I speak my works to the King. V.: Glory to the Father . . . -- All the rich among the people shall entreat . . . The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Tridentine Latin Rite Missal Project Credit: Annunciation by Sandro Botticelli

Evening Roundup - Vigil of the Annunciation, Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> NCBC piece on the Pope and condoms The Recovering Choir Director >> English-language Exsultet resources (great post with the Easter Vigil coming) The New Liturgical Movement >> Registration for Dominican Rite Conference, August 2009 The New Liturgical Movement >> The Reform is Being Reformed Daily Mass Readings (USCCB) >> March 25th, Solemnity of the Annunciation WDTPRS >> Bp. D’Arcy (where U. Notre Dame is) speaks

17:00 (EDT) - Tuesday of the Fourth Week in Lent - March 24th, 2009

American Papist >> Too cool: Arch. of STL will TXT U w/ New Abp. Deets (this IS neat!) Catholic Church Conservation >> SSPX Press Release on Subdiaconate Ordinations (Gillibrand is all over this story) WDTPRS >> REVIEW: NEW - The Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described WDTPRS >> Card. Pell: sympathetic to obligatory ad orientem worship

Saint James the Greater Church, Charles Town, WV - Holy Week Update

I am delighted to say that I received an email from my contact at Saint James the Greater in WV. It appears that the Canons of the New Jerusalem plan to return to Saint James for Holy Week this year. When a schedule is finalized, I will post it. In the meantime, please consult this earlier post from a while back . It contains information on a Yahoo email list Group that this Parish is using to keep people informed on the TLM at Saint James. I would encourage you to join this Yahoo Group if this TLM Mass appeals to you as official information about Saint James in WV is released through that Group.

Afternoon Roundup - Tuesday of the Fourth Week in Lent - March 24th, 2009

In the Light of the Law >> Whither Notre Dame Shrine of the Holy Whapping >> Required Reading for Today (statement of Bishop D'Arcy) Standing on My Head >> Breath of Life The New Liturgical Movement >> Sacrosanctum Concilium and the Reform of the Liturgy WDTPRS >> Sweden, Finland, and Estonia: upcoming TLMS WDTPRS >> More from McInerny on UND and Pres. Obama WDTPRS >> 25 Mar - National Press Club: Archbp. Burke video interview

Holy Week and Easter Schedule 2009 for TLM (Tridentine) or Latin N.O. Parishes in MD, DC, VA, PA, and WV

Last update: 03/30/08: This post will be updated as further information comes in . Note that much of this has been gleaned from PDF files of Parish Bulletins. Emails to me of updates to your Parish would be MOST appreciated . The area covered is only MD, DC, VA, PA, DE and WV. Note too that only Latin or Tridentine Mass Parishes are included here. Saint Alphonsus Church, Baltimore, MD Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption, Baltimore, MD (Latin N.O.) Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Gainesville, VA Saint Benedict's Chapel, Chesapeake, VA Saint Catherine of Siena, Great Falls, VA Saint Francis de Sales, Benedict, MD (TLM on Easter Sunday) Saint James Catholic Church, Charles Town, WV (Canons of the New Jerusalem) Saint John the Evangelist, Silver Spring, MD Saint John the Baptist, Front Royal, VA (I presume the Mass for Easter at 12:30 is a Tridentine Mass; also, the regular Monday Mass at 7 AM in the Chapel will be a TLM beginning April 13th) Saint Joseph's Ca...

Tuesday of the Fourth Week in Lent - March 24th, 2009

FIRST THINGS: On the Square >> Notre Dame’s Faustian Bargain (Stephen Barr) Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> "Rise" RORATE CÆLI >> SSPX Ordinations canceled in Germany - Transferred to Écône The Catholic Thing >> Form Criticism (Robert Royal) The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> A demonstration of abstinence The Recovering Choir Director >> "If This is a Liturgy War, then Who is the Enemy?" The New Liturgical Movement >> Liturgical Continuity in Liguria - Pontifical Mass in Roverano The New Liturgical Movement >> Amy on the Organ The Way of the Fathers >> Never Know What You'll Find

Visitors ask...Latin abbreviation - A.M.D.G. et B.V.M.?

This is an interesting one. Someone wants to know what the abbreviation, "A.M.D.G. et B.V.M." indicates ? A.M.D.G. is an abbreviation for " ad maiorem Dei gloriam " (for the greater glory of God; the standard Jesuit motto of St. Ignatius Loyola). By adding " et " (and), the letters B.V.M. are meant to indicate " Beata Virgo Maria " (the Blessed Virgin Mary). So, the phrase is meant to indicate that some effort is dedicated "To the greater glory of God and the Blessed Virgin Mary." Note the lack of a "j" in Latin. The letter "i" is found in " maiorem ."

Evening Roundup - Monday of the Fourth Week in Lent - March, 23rd, 2009

American Papist >> Bishop D'Arcy to Release Statement on Notre Dame/Obama Controversy ? OSV Daily Take >> Bishop D'Arcy plans Notre Dame statement The Recovering Choir Director >> A treasure trove of free organ scores, and more The New Liturgical Movement >> Singing the Praises WDTPRS >> SSPX/Holy See development?

Afternoon Roundup - Monday of the Fourth Week in Lent - March, 23rd, 2009

American Papist >> Weigel, Schall, Garnett, others weigh-in on Obama invitation In the Light of the Law >> Notre Dame's Shame: do we care enough to click ? (Dr. Edward N. Peters) The New Liturgical Movement >> Question: Resources for the Liturgy of the Hours in a Parish The New Liturgical Movement >> Five CDs No Catholic Should Be Without The New Liturgical Movement >> Pope names Bishop Salvatore Cordileone as Bishop of Oakland, California WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: more than one TLM on Sundays and feasts WDTPRS >> QUAERITUR: liturgical purple WDTPRS >> McInerny on Notre Dame’s “vulgar lust” WDTPRS >> New Archbishop of Oakland

Monday of the Fourth Week in Lent - March, 23rd, 2009 (Sandro Magister) >> Drifting Mines. In Africa the Condom, in Brazil Abortion Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> "I will rejoice" The Catholic Thing >> Is Obama Worth a Mass? (Prof. Ralph McInerny) The New Liturgical Movement >> Reader Request: Religious Communities Who Use the 1962 Missal and Offer Retreats The New Liturgical Movement >> Chant in Scotland The New Liturgical Movement >> St. Cecilia Schola in Birmingham, Alabama Whispers in the Loggia >> "Lion Heart" Meets "Space Egg " (new Bishop for Oakland, CA) Whispers in the Loggia >> A Million Prayers, A Million Farewells Whispers in the Loggia >> To Women, "The Wellsprings of Life"

Introit: Fourth Sunday in Lent--Laetare Sunday

I am posting this because so many people are missing it! Here is the link . Please read both the Latin and English. The Introit is posted. [Clicking the embedded link will bring you to the other Propers of the Mass].

Evening Roundup - Fourth Sunday of Lent, March 22nd, 2009

Preacher and Big Daddy >> St. Joseph Solemnity (Fr. Mark D. White; I am delighted to have found this blog! At your service, Father! Southern Maryland is a beautiful area!) Shrine of the Holy Whapping >> Thoughts, at last (a great post by Emily) The New Liturgical Movement >> The Bi-Annual Discussion of "Rose" or the Liturgical Colour of Rosacea WDTPRS >> Cardinal Conclave Conundrum WDTPRS >> “… perfecisti laudem…” WDTPRS >> SOMETHING BIG with a positive twist

Afternoon Roundup - Fourth Sunday of Lent, March 22nd, 2009

Creative Minority Report >> ND Students May Not Attend Commencement OSV Daily Take >> Catholic hospital experts: FOCA not the biggest threat (please check this important post and, by all means, read the full story here ; this has serious implications for Catholic health care) WDTPRS >> Harvard prof defends Benedict XVI on condoms and AIDS WDTPRS >> A Laetare image (magnificent!)

Noon Roundup - Fourth Sunday of Lent, March 22nd, 2009

Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Pope Benedict in Africa RORATE CÆLI >> 43% of French Catholics wish to see Benedict XVI go The Recovering Choir Director >> Clerical casualties of liturgical reform The New Liturgical Movement >> Idiot's Guide to Square Notes Transalpine Redemptorists at home >> The myth of my solitude Daily Mass Readings >> Sunday, March 22nd, 2009 Whispers in the Loggia >> "The Future is Within You"

Laetare Sunday - Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh - St. Andrew's Church, Ravelston

Archdiocese of St Andrews & Edinburgh St. Andrew's Church, Ravelston Sung Tridentine Mass, Laetare Sunday, 2008 (Playlist, 5 videos, YouTube)

Decent Films Guide by Steven D. Greydanus: "Jesus of Nazareth" (DVD; 1977)

With Easter fast approaching, families may be pondering if there is a wholesome, religious "Easter film" that is worth watching? The Franco Zeffirelli film, "Jesus of Nazareth," which was made for TV, is one that many love and one I'd recommend. Others include "The Robe" and of course, "Ben Hur." Here, Steven D. Greydanus gives his review of "Jesus of Nazareth" at Decent Films Guide and rates it a solid A . In all, it is a film that many families view near Easter and it is definitely one "for their DVD collection." Greydanus' review of "The Robe" does not come off nearly as well, although "Ben-Hur" is another favorite . I have to agree with his ratings. I personally think " The Passion of the Christ " is more moving [ see also here ] (especially on Good Friday with the subtitles off and the dialogue in Aramaic/Latin), but that is not suitable for younger audiences. It is an in...

19:00 (EDT) Roundup - Saturday of the Third Week in Lent - March 21st, 2009

Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> “Early and often did the LORD, the God of their fathers, send his messengers to them” The New Liturgical Movement >> Solemn Mass on the Occasion of the 10th Anniversary of an Italian Diocesan Priest, Imperia, Italy The New Liturgical Movement >> The New 38 Year Old Abbot the Cistericans of Mehrerau, Austria WDTPRS >> "The rest is silence" Whispers in the Loggia >> Madame Ambassador, Laetare Laureate (Excellent!) Whispers in the Loggia >> To the Lord's "Labourers" Whispers in the Loggia >> To the Bishops... On Faith and Culture

Afternoon Roundup - Saturday of the Third Week in Lent - March 21st, 2009

American Papist >> Exclusive: Abp. Chaput calls on Catholics to write ND Summorum Pontificum >> Vatican: Bishop MUST provide Tridentine Latin Mass The New Liturgical Movement >> Baronius Press to be Featured on EWTN Bookmark The New Liturgical Movement >> A Reader Question About Symbols on Christian Mosaics WDTPRS >> Card. Vingt-Trois on how the Pope has been treated

Fourth Sunday in Lent: Missa 'Laetare' - March 22nd, 2009

INTROIT ¤ Isaias 66. 10, 11 [STATION AT THE HOLY CROSS AT JERUSALEM]  Laetare, Jerusalem: conventum facite omnes qui diligitis eam: gaudete cum laetitia, quia in tristitia fuistis: ut exsultetis, et satiemini ab uberibus consolationis vestrae. -- Laetatus sum in his, quae dicta sunt mihi: in domum Domini ibimus. V.: Gloria Patri . . . -- Laetare, Jerusalem . . . Rejoice, O Jerusalem: and come together all you that love her: rejoice with joy, you that have been in sorrow: that you may exult, and be filled from the breasts of your consolation. -- ( Ps. 121. 1). I rejoiced at the things that were said to me: we shall go into the house of the Lord. V.: Glory to the Father . . . -- Rejoice, O Jerusalem . . .       Fourth Sunday of Lent, "Laetare"

Saturday of the Third Week in Lent - March 21st, 2009

Breviarium Romanum >> Dominica IV in Quadragesima: "Laetare" Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> Fourth Sunday of Lent: "so must the Son of Man be lifted up... RORATE CÆLI >> Mission: it is our duty to offer everyone the possibility of attaining eternal life WDTPRS >> Good news abounds WDTPRS >> The fight over Westminster

Evening Roundup - Friday of the Third Week in Lent - March 20th, 2009

American Papist >>Breaking: Obama to give commencement at Notre Dame! Creative Minority Report >> Online Petition to Stop Scandal at ND The New Liturgical Movement >> News, Video and Images from Lithuania: Ad Fontes and the Usus Antiquior at Riga Cathedral WDTPRS >> Dorr, MI: TLM announcement, Gregorian workshop, maniple sighting WDTPRS >> Bp. Robert Finn on going to Confession WDTPRS >> Would you say that… again? WDTPRS >> Marco Politti’s attack on Pope Benedict Whispers in the Loggia >> "God Bless Angola!": PopeTrip Africa, Parte Dois Whispers in the Loggia >> "The Time Has Come for Africa To Be the Continent of Hope!"

Early Afternoon Roundup - Friday of the Third Week in Lent - March 20th, 2009 (Damian Thompson) >> The Pope's worst enemies are Catholics In the Light of the Law >> Fr. Mike Depcik's "Renewal Prayer for the Deaf Catholic Church" The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> Support for the Holy Father from Harvard The Hermeneutic of Continuity >> "The panel jeered when I said euthanasia" WDTPRS >> John Allen on the Pope’s trip to Cameroon WDTPRS >> Today’s Ray of Hope: the Pont. Comm. “Ecclesia Dei” acts

Opus Dei - St. Josemaria Conference, Saturday, April 4th, McLean, VA Hilton

I just received the monthly newsletter from Opus Dei. Just a reminder of the Saint Josemaria Conference on April 4th, 2009 in McLean, VA. More details, the program, the speakers, how to register, etc. listed here .

Friday of the Third Week in Lent - March 20th, 2009

American Papist >> Anti-Catholic CT legislators still at it Meeting Christ in the Liturgy >> "Return" The Catholic Thing >> A Lenten Meditation ( Robert Louis Wilken) The New Liturgical Movement >> A Follow-Up on the History of the Planeta Plicata WDTPRS >> Luxemburg limits Grand Duke, legalizes euthanasia after putting Whispers in the Loggia >> To the "World of Suffering"

Evening Roundup - Feast of Saint Joseph - Thursday, March 19th, 2009

American Papist >> Text/Video: Cardinal Pell on the New English Mass Translation American Papist >> Secretariat of State responsible for post-editing of papal comments? Domine da mihi hanc aquam >> Seminarians: do NOT be bullied! ( Fr. Philip Neri Powell, OP, PhD) The Recovering Choir Director >> A Simple Gradual for Lent WDTPRS >> Happy Name Day, Holy Father!

Afternoon Roundup - Feast of Saint Joseph - Thursday, March 19th, 2009

Catholic World News >> Pope proclaims Africa the 'continent of hope' Creative Minority Report >> Media Attacks Pope RORATE CÆLI >> Martyrological nature of the primacy of Peter The New Liturgical Movement >> Cardinal Pell Speaks on the Liturgy and the Lifting of the Excommunications The New Liturgical Movement >> Simple Music for Lent WDTPRS >> JPII Beatification in 2010? WDTPRS >> What did Pope Benedict really say on the airplane? WDTPRS >> Priests and their habits

Noon (EDT) - Feast of Saint Joseph - Thursday, March 19th, 2009

Acton Institute Power Blog >> Wilcox: God Will Provide — Unless the Government Gets There First (John Couretas) (Damian Thompson) >> Thoughts on the Westminster succession fiasco WDTPRS >> Diogenes on true charity: Safe Socks Whispers in the Loggia >> Damage Control, PopeTrip Edition