
Showing posts from March, 2015

Evening Roundup - Tuesday of Holy Week - Feria Tertia Hebdomadæ Sanctæ - Missa 'Nos Autem' - March 31st, 2015

You Report: Local Traditional Latin Masses & Liturgies, Holy Week, 2015 - the Mid-Atlantic Metro Area (VA, DC, MD, PA, WV) Aleteia (Mark Stricherz) >> Hit Indiana in the Pocketbook, Cultural Liberals Say After Religious-Freedom Law Passes Aleteia (Mark Stricherz) >> Need an Abortion? Here is a Robe and Warm Tea Bangor to Bobbio (Fr. Seán Coyle) >> Nearly 500 priests in England and Wales write letter in support of Church's teaching on matrimony Becket Fund Blog >> Complicity Redux (Madeleine Teahan) >> Our culture has forgotten what grace means, says bishop Creative Minority Report (Patrick Archbold) >> Doubling Down On Stupid Creative Minority Report (Patrick Archbold) >> Saying Goodbye To The National Catholic Register Daily Meditations with Fr. Alfonse >> Jn 13:21-33,36-38 That "Duh DUN Duh DUN" moment Dymphna's Road >> Random thoughts.... First Thoughts (Phillip Bethan...

Wednesday of Holy Week - Feria Quarta Hebdomadæ Sanctæ - Missa 'In Nomine Iesu' - April 1st, 2015 - Propers

Image Credit: CSI - Church Scene Investigation - Peter Denies Jesus Christ (Luke) You Report: Local Traditional Latin Masses & Liturgies, Holy Week, 2015 - the Mid-Atlantic Metro Area (VA, DC, MD, PA, WV) Wednesday of Holy Week  (Spy Wednesday) Feria Quarta Hebdomadæ Sanctæ Missa 'In Nomine Iesu' 1st Class Violet [Preface of the Holy Cross; Preces] ***For the Propers shown immediately below , BEGIN THE GOSPEL at verse 39, " C. Et egréssus ibat secúndum consuetúdinem in montem Olivárum. Secúti sunt autem illum et discípuli. Et cum pervenísset ad locum, dixit illis: I. Oráte, ne intrétis in tentatiónem ...") *** Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version ( Click Here; DivinumOfficium.Com, 4-1-2015 ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version  ( Click Here; Introibo ad altare Dei.Fr, Latin/French ) ♫ The Chant of Le Barroux: Office for 2015-04-01 +++++++++++++++++++++++ LiveMass.Net (Live Mass Online) Christ the King ...

Morning Roundup - Tuesday of Holy Week - Feria Tertia Hebdomadæ Sanctæ - Missa 'Nos Autem' - March 31st, 2015

You Report: Local Traditional Latin Masses & Liturgies, Holy Week, 2015 - the Mid-Atlantic Metro Area (VA, DC, MD, PA, WV) Aleteia (Fr. Mike Schmitz) >> Ask Father Mike: What Does the Catholic Church Teach About Suicide Aleteia (Haley Stewart) >> I Was a New Catholic, Trembling at Confession Aleteia (John Burger) >> Killing Newborns No Different Than Abortion, So Why Not, Ethicists Argue Archdiocese of Washington (Msgr. Charles Pope) >> Mercy! So great a gift, and why many parishes need to reconsider when they offer the Sacrament of Confession. (Staff Reporter) >> Vatican: Decision to appoint Bishop Juan Barros was correct (Catholic News Service) >> Filipino bishops restate Church stance against divorce Catholic World Report - Blog (Carrie Gress, Ph.D.) >> Feminist "Logic": Misogyny’s Ironic Ally Courageous Priest (John Quinn) >> How Wonderful a Thing it is to be a ...

Evening Roundup - Monday of Holy Week - Feria Secunda Hebdomadæ Sanctæ - Missa 'Iudica Domine' - March 30th, 2015

You Report: Local Traditional Latin Masses & Liturgies, Holy Week, 2015 - the Mid-Atlantic Metro Area (VA, DC, MD, PA, WV) Acton Institute PowerBlog (Elise Hilton) >> Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act: What’s The Deal? Aleteia (Rick Fitzgibbons, MD) >> Narcissism Kills—A Lesson From the Germanwings Plane Crash Tragedy Aleteia (Mark Stricherz) >> Do Bishops Follow or Lead Public Opinion on Gay Rights & Traditional Marriage? Canterbury Tales (Dr. Taylor Marshall) >> Christian Seder Passover Meals: Should Christians Celebrate Them Catholic Answers  (Karl Keating) >> 10,000 Years Ago, Your Neighbor's Pet Was a T Rex Catholic Sacristan (Warren Anderson) >> Positive Catholicism... or is it? Catholic Stand (H. L. Duncan) >> Part 1: Supreme Court Must Rule for State Defined Marriage Creative Minority Report (Matthew Archbold) >> New and Awesome: Abortion Spas DCLatinMass.Com (rockcreekcatholic) >> Fr....

Neat Ideas - Mass Times for Travel Smartphone App!

As people travel during Holy Week and the Easter weekend, some will find they need to find a Mass quickly to fulfill their Mass obligation.   My favorite site for travel has been MassTimes.Org .  It is tried and true and is very helpful.  The MassTimes.Org folks have an app for iPhone called Mass Times for Travel which is free from the iTunes site.  Here is a shot of the listing in the iTunes Store: And here is a shot of the app itself: Using GPS data, the app will find all Masses in your area, give such information as Parish websites, Parish directions and phone numbers to contact.  It is a "must have" for travel if you wish to find a Catholic Mass near you!

Tuesday of Holy Week - Feria Tertia Hebdomadæ Sanctæ - Missa 'Nos Autem' - March 31st, 2015 - Propers

Image Credit: Wikipedia - Kiss of Judas You Report: Local Traditional Latin Masses & Liturgies, Holy Week, 2015 - the Mid-Atlantic Metro Area (VA, DC, MD, PA, WV) Tuesday of Holy Week Feria Tertia Hebdomadæ Sanctæ Missa 'Nos Autem' 1st Class Violet [Preface of the Holy Cross] Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version ( Click Here; DivinumOfficium.Com, 3-31-2015 ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version  ( Click Here; Introibo ad altare Dei.Fr, Latin/French ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin  ( Click Here; ) ♫ The Chant of Le Barroux: Office for 2015-03-31 +++++++++++++++++++++++ LiveMass.Net (Live Mass Online) Christ the King (FSSP), Sarasota, FL, Guadalajara, Mexico and Fribourg, Switzerland (Mass Time Clocks can be found at the LiveMass website!) +++++++++++++++++++++++ Tuesday of Holy Week USCCB Daily Mass Readings; Click here Boston Catholic Journal:  Roman Martyrology, Complete, March 31st...

Morning Roundup - Monday of Holy Week - Feria Secunda Hebdomadæ Sanctæ - Missa 'Iudica Domine' - March 30th, 2015

You Report: Local Traditional Latin Masses & Liturgies, Holy Week, 2015 - the Mid-Atlantic Metro Area (VA, DC, MD, PA, WV) (Francis Phillips) >> How to beat the spiritual disease of ‘acedia': grab a rosary and go for a walk Catholic Stand  (John C. Connell) >> Seven Connections Between Your Career and the Cross Catholic Stand (Anabelle Hazard) >> Are You Ready for the Blood Moon? Crisis Magazine (Christian Browne) >> Spiritual Renewal Paul VI Spoke of Has Not Yet Materialized Crisis Magazine (Patrick J. Reilly) >> Will Notre Dame Continue to Betray its Catholic Identity? Da Mihi Animas (Padre Steve) >> Remembrance by Matt Maher (Passion of the Christ) Dominicana Blog (Br. Edmund McCullough, O.P.) >> Lenten Conference Audio: St. John of the Cross Dominicana Blog (Br. Gregory Maria Pine, O.P.) >> What Am I Waiting For? Fr. Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment (Fr. John Hunwicke) >> in tot adv...

Evening Roundup - Palm Sunday - Dominica II Passionis seu in Palmis (EF & OF) - March 29th, 2015

You Report: Local Traditional Latin Masses & Liturgies, Holy Week, 2015 - the Mid-Atlantic Metro Area (VA, DC, MD, PA, WV) Archdiocese of Washington (Msgr. Charles Pope) >> Spend This Week With Jesus – A Daily Chronology of Jesus’ “Last” Week Fr. Z's Blog (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) >> Religion of Peace in Nigeria – now beheading with chainsaws Fr. Z's Blog (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) >> “Pause” for a moment to see Michael Voris’ new project Fr. Z's Blog (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) >> ASK FATHER: Abstinence from meat difficult when living in parents’ home IDLE SPECULATIONS (Terry Prest) >> Palm Sunday 20 March, 1212 LES FEMMES - THE TRUTH (Mary Ann Kreitzer) >> Meditation for Sunday: Pontius Pilate, Patron of Political Correctness and Human Respect New Liturgical Movement (Gregory DiPippo) >> A Roman Pilgrim at the Station Churches 2015 (Part 10) New Liturgical Movement (Gregory DiPippo) >> Palm Sunday 2015 Roman Christendom (T...

Traditional Latin Mass Calendar, March 30th to April 5th, 2015 (Passiontide & Paschaltide I) and Video of "Exsúltet iam Angélica"

March, 2015 Season of Lent II: Passiontide (Holy Week) 30th  -  Feria Secunda Hebdomadæ Sanctæ (Monday of Holy Week), Missa 'Iudica Domine', 1st Class, Violet, [Preface of the Holy Cross] 31st -   Feria Tertia Hebdomadæ Sanctæ  (Tuesday of Holy Week), Missa 'Nos Autem', 1st Class, Violet, [Preface of the Holy Cross] April, 2015 1st -   Feria Quarta Hebdomadæ Sanctæ, (Wednesday of Holy Week),  Missa 'Liberator Meus', 1st Class, Violet, [Preface of the Holy Cross; Preces] 2nd -   Feria Quinta in Coena Domini (Holy Thursday; Maundy Thursday), Missa 'Nos Autem', 1st Class, White & Violet, [Preface of the Holy Cross] 3rd -   Feria Sexta in Parasceve, (Good Friday), NO MASS IS CELEBRATED THIS DAY, the Traditional Passion Liturgy is usually held at 3:00 PM Paschaltide I 4th -   Sabbato Sancto (Holy Saturday), The Easter Vigil Mass, 1st Class, White, Gloria [Preface of Easter] (see Exsultet below) ...

Monday of Holy Week - Feria Secunda Hebdomadæ Sanctæ - Missa 'Iudica Domine' - March 30th, 2015 - Propers

Image Credit: Reading the Bible Chronologically in 365 days - John 12:1-11 You Report: Local Traditional Latin Masses & Liturgies, Holy Week, 2015 - the Mid-Atlantic Metro Area (VA, DC, MD, PA, WV) Monday of Holy Week Feria Secunda Hebdomadæ Sanctæ Missa 'Iudica Domine' 1st Class Violet [Preface of the Holy Cross] Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version ( Click Here; DivinumOfficium.Com, 3-30-2015 ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version  ( Click Here; Introibo ad altare Dei.Fr, Latin/French ) ***Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version ( Click Here; ) ***The Proper Epistle (Lesson) for this Mass is shown below ***Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin  - Complete version ( Click Here; Daily Catholic.Org ) ***The Proper Epistle (Lesson) for this Mass is shown below ********* Lectio Léctio Isaíæ Prophétæ. Isa 50:5-10 In diébus illis: Dixit Isaías: Dóminus Deus apéruit mihi aurem, ego aut...

Afternoon Roundup - Palm Sunday - Dominica II Passionis seu in Palmis (EF & OF) - March 29th, 2015

You Report: Local Traditional Latin Masses & Liturgies, Holy Week, 2015 - the Mid-Atlantic Metro Area (VA, DC, MD, PA, WV) Palm Sunday - Dominica II Passionis seu in Palmis - Missa 'Domine Ne Longe' - March 29th, 2015 - Propers Archdiocese of Washington (Msgr. Charles Pope) >> See What the End Shall Be – A Palm Sunday Reflection Bonfire of the Vanities (Fr Martin Fox) >> Palm Sunday homily Communio (Paul Zalonski) >> Palm Sunday 2015: Pope Francis recommends humility Da Mihi Animas (Padre Steve) >> Palm Sunday: The Victory of Humility Dymphna's Road >> Palm Sunday Fr. Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment (Fr. John Hunwicke) >> AN OLIVE BRANCH Fr. Z's Blog (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) >> LENTCAzT 40: Palm Sunday, 2nd Passion Sunday Fr. Z's Blog (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) >> ASK FATHER: Son married in another church without a dispensation Fr. Z's Blog (Fr. John Zuhlsdorf) >> ASK FATHER: “Mass” with no Colle...

Sunday Mass Edition - Palm Sunday - Dominica II Passionis seu in Palmis (EF & OF) - March 29th, 2015

You Report: Local Traditional Latin Masses & Liturgies, Holy Week, 2015 - the Mid-Atlantic Metro Area (VA, DC, MD, PA, WV) Palm Sunday - Dominica II Passionis seu in Palmis - Missa 'Domine Ne Longe' - March 29th, 2015 - Propers Aleteia (John Martignoni) >> Jesus' House and the Willful Misunderstanding of Atheists Aleteia (Mark Stricherz) >> Gay Activists, Corporations Rip Indiana Law for Extending Religious Protections Bangor to Bobbio (Fr. Seán Coyle) >> 'Yet, not what I want, but what you want.' Sunday Reflections, Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, Year B Catholic Sacristan (Warren Anderson) >> Cardinal Koch: Fidei Defensor Catholic World Report - Blog (Nick Olszyk) >> Teenage War is Hell Too: A Review of "Insurgent" Catholic World Report - Blog (Carl E. Olson) >> Palm Sunday: Glory flows from the obedience of selfless love DCLatinMass.Com (rockcreekcatholic) >> Fr. Tunink to offer Palm ...

Forenoon Roundup - Saturday of Passion Week - Missa 'Miserére mihi' - Commemoratio: St. John Capistran, Confessor - March 28th, 2015

You Report: Local Traditional Latin Masses & Liturgies, Holy Week, 2015 - the Mid-Atlantic Metro Area (VA, DC, MD, PA, WV) Palm Sunday - Dominica II Passionis seu in Palmis - Missa 'Domine Ne Longe' - March 29th, 2015 - Propers ABYSSUS ABYSSUM INVOCAT / DEEP CALLS TO DEEP (Bishop Emeritus Rene Gracida) >> LAITY MUST BE FREE TO EXPRESS THE FAITH IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE WITHOUT FEAR OF RETALIATION BY THEIR BISHOP ABYSSUS ABYSSUM INVOCAT / DEEP CALLS TO DEEP (Bishop Emeritus Rene Gracida) >> MUSLIMS CANNOT CONDEMN SLAVERY OR CRUCIFIXION OUTRIGHT WITHOUT CONTRADICTING THE KORAN AND THE EXAMPLE OF THE PROPHET MUHAMMED Archdiocese of Washington (Msgr. Charles Pope) >> Why Wasn’t the Resurrection More Like This? (Mary O'Regan) >> St Teresa of Avila was a charming, droll and tough-minded reformer Catholic Stand (Ray Sullivan) >> Cultural Evils: Floating With the Current (Sandro Magister) ...

Palm Sunday - Dominica II Passionis seu in Palmis - Missa 'Domine Ne Longe' - March 29th, 2015 - Propers

Image Credit: Linda's Bloughts - Jesus in Gethsemane  (Matt 26:1-75; 27:1-66) You Report: Local Traditional Latin Masses & Liturgies, Holy Week, 2015 - the Mid-Atlantic Metro Area (VA, DC, MD, PA, WV) Palm Sunday Dominica II Passionis seu in Palmis Missa 'Domine Ne Longe' 1st Class Red & Violet [Creed; Preface of the Holy Cross; 2nd Vespers of Palm Sunday] Palm Sunday Updated Propers for 2020 Extraordinary Form: Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version ( Click Here; DivinumOfficium.Com, 3-29-2015 ) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version (Click Here) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin - Complete version  (Click Here; Tridentine Latin Rite) Latin Mass Propers Online - Full Latin, PDF Format ( Click Here; MaternalHeart.Org, Palm Sunday ) Downloadable Latin Mass Propers - Full Latin - Complete version  ( Una Voce, Orange County, Click Here ) Downloadable Latin Mass Propers - Full Latin, PDF Format - Complete vers...